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Accountability of Charter Schools in Illinois Raises Questions

WTAX News Radio - February 2, 2015 - Charter schools in Illinois are in the cross hairs of a new report alleging a lack...

May Day Protesters Gather Outside JP Morgan Chase HQ in Manhattan

New Yorkers kicked off May Day protests early on May 1, marching from Bryant Park to the JP Morgan Chase headquarters...

Yahoo! News | Civic Engagement

Progressive Activists Keep Up Campaign to Thwart Rate Rises

NEW YORK—A group of activists lobbying the Federal Reserve to hold off on raising interest rates is pressing its...

[created] | Published by: The Nation

The Health-Care Industry Is Sick

The Health-Care Industry Is Sick

I have ALS, a deadly, incurable neurological disease that is paralyzing my whole body, including my diaphragm. This...

The Nation | Civic Engagement

Transcript: Netroots Annual ConfeCPD and Local Progress Mentioned in C-Span during Netroots Conventionrence

...codirector of Local Progress, a national group that unites progressive local officials and allied organizations. It...


Charter Schools Had Tough Week

Times Online - October 5, 2014, by The Times Editorial Board - It’s been a tough week for supporters of the charter...

[created] | Published by: El Diario NY

Por fin la Fed toma en cuenta disparidades

Por fin la Fed toma en cuenta disparidades

Hace un año, la Reserva Federal, la institución económica más importante del país mantuvo la posición de que no había...

Bank Workers Tell Their Bosses: Stop Making Us Sell Shady Products To Poor People

ThinkProgress - April 9, 2015, by Alan Pyke - The newest line of criticism for the banking industry is coming from...

[created] | Published by: The American Prospect

The Silver Lining of the New Gilded Age: Fewer Targets

The Silver Lining of the New Gilded Age: Fewer Targets

Members of groups including Hedge Clippers and the Center for Popular Democracy protest outside Blackstone's New York...

[created] | Published by: The Nation

We Can Fight Back Against Trump’s Islamophobia

We Can Fight Back Against Trump’s Islamophobia

Taif Jany is a rising young policy expert who was born and raised in Iraq and now lives in Washington, DC. His family...

The Nation


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

30 days ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago