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Former CPD Deputy Director Profiled in NY Daily News

New York Daily News - April 15, 2014, by Erica Pearson - Nisha Agarwal, the new city commissioner for immigrant affairs...

Activists Face Rain And Security Threats As 10-Day March Against White Supremacy Continues

Braving the rain, threats of violence and uncertainty over police permits, dozens of civil rights activists set out on...

The Huffington Post | Justice Transformation

La Reserva Federal debe ser un reflejo de nuestras comunidades

Ocho años después del inicio de la Gran Recesión, a las comunidades de color todavía les cuesta recuperarse. La tasa de...

Pennsylvania Groups Press For Quicker Action on Immigration Reform

CBS – September 5, 2013, by Cherri Gregg - PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — As Congress gets ready to head back to Washington, a...

[created] | Published by: sfgate.com

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Jeff Flake loves decorum, but it doesn't look like it was decorous behavior that moved him to reconsider a vote that...

sfgate.com | Civic Engagement

¿Vale la pena quitarle dinero a la policía para apoyar temas como la vivienda, la educación y la salud?

Un nuevo informe analiza el concepto de 'desinversión de la policía'. La controversial idea es fomentada por activistas...

CityLab Latino | Justice Transformation

Some Retailers Promote Decision to Remain Closed on Thanksgiving

New York Times - November 14, 2014, Steven Greenhouse - This...

[created] | Published by: The Boston Globe

Opioid protest at Harvard art museum

Opioid protest at Harvard art museum

ctivists said that this was the fourth protest of its kind targeting an art gallery or school named after the Sackler...

The Boston Globe | Civic Engagement

Arizona special election 2018: ALS patient and activist Ady Barkan stumps for Democrat Hiral Tipirneni

Be a Hero is an offshoot of the Center for Popular Democracy’s CPD Action group (Barkan previously worked for the...

[created] | Published by: The Philidelphia Inquirer

JPMorgan boss: 'Trump is our pilot' even when we disagree

JPMorgan boss: 'Trump is our pilot' even when we disagree

Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and one of the few big-bank bosses to keep his...

The Philidelphia Inquirer | Civic Engagement


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

30 days ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

30 days ago