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Photo Flash: Scarlett Johansson's OUR TOWN Reading Raises $500K for Puerto Rico Relief

"We are deeply grateful to Scarlett Johansson, Kenny Leon and everyone involved in the production of this play for...

2017-11-07 | Civic Engagement

Fed Officials Say a September Rate Increase Is Still on the Table

The comments, uncoordinated but generally consistent, suggested that some investors and analysts had been too quick to...

[created] | Published by: New York Business Journal

Aeropostale, Disney and other retailers pledge to stop on-call shift scheduling

Aeropostale, Disney and other retailers pledge to stop on-call shift scheduling

Imagine waking up and not knowing whether you were scheduled to work. Add on to that the chaotic burden of finding a...

New York Business Journal | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Education “Reformers’” New Big Lie: Charter Schools Become Even More Disastrous

Salon - March 2, 2015, by Jeff Bryant -What fun we had recently with North Carolina’s recently elected U.S. senator,...

[created] | Published by: International Business Times

Activists Protest Universities Over Investments In Puerto Rico Bondholders

Activists Protest Universities Over Investments In Puerto Rico Bondholders

A coalition of social and economic justice groups has launched a one-week campaign to end what they view as problematic...

International Business Times | Civic Engagement, Holding Wall Street Accountable

New York City Schools' Discriminatory and Damaging School-to-Prison Pipeline

New York City schools feed young black and Latino youth into a school-to-prison pipeline by leveling criminal...

cityandstateny.com | Justice Transformation

“Llevaron a cabo vigilia contra Trump por el huracán María”

Los oradores incluyeron a Jaime Contreras , vicepresidente del sindicato 32BJ , Mary Cathryn Ricker , vicepresidenta...

Gary Cohn publicly criticizes Trump's Charlottesville response and reportedly came close to resigning over it

Top White House economic advisor Gary Cohn publicly criticized President Trump’s response to the violence in...

Warren met privately with 'Draft Warren' supporters

Elizabeth Warren says she has no intention of jumping into the 2016 race, but she recently met behind closed doors with...

[created] | Published by: Bloomberg

One Word Could Be Worth a Million Jobs

One Word Could Be Worth a Million Jobs

Supporting a strong job market is a big part of the U.S. Federal Reserve's mandate. Fed officials, though, interpret...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago