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More Cities Should Do What States and Federal Government Aren't on Minimum Wage

Early this month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a guaranteed $15 minimum wage for all city government...

Internal Emails Show ICE Agents Struggling to Substantiate Trump’s Lies About Immigrants

As hundreds of undocumented immigrants were rounded up across the country last February in the first mass raids of the...

The Intercept
[created] | Published by: The Rutland Herald

The public compact

The public compact

It is always amusing to be the subject of a John McClaughry jeremiad. While I don’t mind being labeled as the “foremost...

The Rutland Herald | Organizing for Education Justice

From Low Pay to High Stress: These Are the Absolute Worst Companies to Work for in America, According to Employees

“American consumers have a love-hate relationship with drugstore chains and their pricey prescriptions, but it seems...

Cheat Sheet | Civic Engagement

Biggest U.S. Mass Protest & Rally Ever Staged for $15 Wage Set for April

Sky Valley Chronicle - April 1, 2015 - According to organizers, it's going to be huge. Fast food workers across the...

New Report Details Plans for Low-Wage Worker Justice

The Village Voice - February 14, 2013 - When a worker in this city has to endure a three-hour walk to work because his...

Urban Outfitters heeds call to end on-call shifts

WELL, THAT was fast! Yesterday I wrote about an "on-call" scheduling practice at Urban Outfitters that's...

Who’s truly rebuilding the Democratic Party? The activists.

In June 2010 I made a very bad tweet that I came to regret. (Hard to imagine, I know.) I yelled at the disability...

[created] | Published by: Wall Street Journal

Former Fed Staffer, Activists Detail Plan to Overhaul Central Bank

Former Fed Staffer, Activists Detail Plan to Overhaul Central Bank

A former top Federal Reserve staffer joined with activists on Monday to lay out the mechanics of a plan to overhaul the...

Flake confronted by women on Kavanaugh, then calls for FBI investigation

Sen. Jeff Flake was confronted by two women on the nature of sexual assault allegations, and Donald Trump’s Supreme...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago