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Warren allies demand answers from Clinton on Wall St. ties

“On behalf of our nine million supporters across the country, we are writing to request more information about your...

[created] | Published by: The Baltimore Sun

Immigrants need sanctuary — and lawyers

Immigrants need sanctuary — and lawyers

Ali, a green card holder and father of three young daughters in Baltimore, was driving his friend home when they were...

The Baltimore Sun

The Fed’s Main Job Is Jobs, And A Coalition Plans To Keep It On Task

Campaign for America's Future - September 4, 2014, by Isaiah Poole - A lot of eyes will be on the Federal Reserve...

El Centro de Democracia Popular crea fondo para afectados por María

The Center for Popular Democracy established the Community Hurricane Relief and Recovery Community Fund to assist...

El Nuevo Dia | Civic Engagement

Newark Police first in N.J. to refuse to detain undocumented immigrants accused of minor crimes

The Star-Ledger – August 15, 2013, by James Queally - The Newark Police Department has become the first law enforcement...

Mind the Gap: How the Federal Reserve Can Help Raise Wages for America’s Women and Men

The American economy remains too weak. Over the past 35 years, the vast majority of workers have seen their wages...

[created] | Published by: Common Dreams

The Minimum Wage Needs An Upgrade

The Minimum Wage Needs An Upgrade

Seventy-eight years ago today, the Fair Labor Standards Act made a groundbreaking promise to Americans: the promise of...

Slew Of Organizations Denounce Civil Right Violations of Puerto Ricans on May Day and Demand Gov. Roselló To Stop Austerity Measures

05.03.2018 New York, NY - In response to the violent reaction of the Puerto Rico Police Department to a peaceful...

New Report: Racial Disparities Continue at an Alarming Rate for Black Communities

KPFT Houston Radio - March 6, 2015, by Tucker Wilson - CPD's Policy Advocate Shawn Sebastian joins KPFT Radio to...

[created] | Published by: Financial Times

Lael Brainard, a Fed governor in the political glare

Lael Brainard, a Fed governor in the political glare

In the middle of meetings of the world’s central banking elite in Wyoming’s Jackson Lake Lodge in August 2015, Lael...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago