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April 15: National Protests on Tax Day Demand Trump Release His Tax Returns

Working Families Party, Thousands to Protest in NY, DC and Nationwide Rallies Demanding Trump Release His Tax Returns...

Common Dreams

De Blasio, Chicago, L.A. Mayors Form Initiative to Help Immigrants

AM New York - September 17, 2014, by Ivan Pereira - Mayor Bill de Blasio and two of his national counterparts are...

Advocacy group calls for more oversight of California charter school spending

A lack of transparency and inadequate oversight can set up the potential for waste, fraud, and abuse.  A  2015 report...

Allentown leaders, residents rally for immigration reform

The Express-Times - June 18, 2013, By Sarah Cassi - Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski and City Council President Julio...

One Day Before GOP Debate, New Report Highlights Ties Between Prominent New Yorkers and Anti-Immigrant Groups

Note: Photos and Video of Protest available upon request.  New York, NY (10/27/15)—Today, the Center for Popular...

Center for Popular Democracy | Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

Despair over Supreme Court immigration ruling turns to optimism, promises of action

 The outrage sparked by the defeat of President Obama’s effort to shield millions of immigrants from deportation...

New York Daily News

Spreading a Minimum Wage Increase From Los Angeles to the Whole Country

Our economy has long been out of balance. Workers' efforts across the country create wealth, but the profits don't get...

Charters’ exorbitant fees hinder efforts to obtain public info

Public records requests made to 10 publicly funded Boston charter schools have been thwarted by demands for fees...

Puerto Rico Activists Crash Federal Reserve Panel With Creative Protest

NEW YORK — Over a dozen activists descended on a building where Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen and her three living...

A top regulator's close ties to Wall Street damage one of its most crucial functions 10 years after the crisis

“A new report from the Fed Up coalition, an activist group calling for more inclusive economic policies, says the key...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago