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Advocacy Groups Call for Closer Scrutiny of Charter Schools

Trib Total Media - October 1, 2014, by Megan Harris - Three groups with union affiliations on Wednesday pointed to the...

Under scrutiny, New York Fed sets short list for Dudley successor

“Community and labor activists led by the Fed Up coalition demonstrate and call for the selection of a Federal Reserve...

Activist Group Takes Out TV Ad Calling for Trump to Keep Yellen

The Center for Popular Democracy's Fed Up campaign broadcast a 30-second TV spot urging Mr. Trump to offer Fed...

[created] | Published by: Investopedia

What We Know About Trump and Clinton's Treasury Picks

What We Know About Trump and Clinton's Treasury Picks

Clinton has been defending herself from accusations that she is too cozy with Wall Street since the primaries, when an...

Jóvenes dreamers envían contundente mensaje a políticos demócratas de California

Un grupo de soñadores se dieron cita para pedir a líderes políticos que defiendan el Dream Act ante el gobierno. De no...

Univision LA

Transcript: Netroots Annual ConfeCPD and Local Progress Mentioned in C-Span during Netroots Conventionrence

...codirector of Local Progress, a national group that unites progressive local officials and allied organizations. It...


When Work Creates Insecurity

Many of us think that any employment, even part time, provides a measure of security. This is not the case for the...

[created] | Published by: USA Today

More states adopt tough paid sick-leave laws

More states adopt tough paid sick-leave laws

PHOENIX — A new paid sick-leave law took effect Saturday in Arizona, which joins a cluster of other states in...

USA Today
[created] | Published by: Philadelphia Daily News

Commentary: I need the economy to give me a fair chance

Commentary: I need the economy to give me a fair chance

I'VE ALWAYS enjoyed talking with people, and, as long as I can remember, I wanted to work in the hotel industry. It's...

NYC Group: New City ID Card Will Help ‘Empower’ People

Equal Voice - June 26, 2014 - Residents in New York City – regardless of their immigration or income status – will soon...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago