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New Report: Racial Disparities Continue at an Alarming Rate for Black Communities

KPFT Houston Radio - March 6, 2015, by Tucker Wilson - CPD's Policy Advocate Shawn Sebastian joins KPFT Radio to...

[created] | Published by: ABC News

Dreamers Deferred As Congress Lets DACA Deadline Pass

Dreamers Deferred As Congress Lets DACA Deadline Pass

"For most of us, DACA was the only opportunity we had to come out of the shadows and show everyone what we are capable...

ABC News
[created] | Published by: Bloomberg

Retailers Discover That Labor Isn't Just a Cost

grocery store retail worker

Retailers Discover That Labor Isn't Just a Cost

For the past couple of decades, retailing in the U.S. has -- with some notable exceptions -- been a vast experiment in...

Allentown leaders, residents rally for immigration reform

The Express-Times - June 18, 2013, By Sarah Cassi - Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski and City Council President Julio...

[created] | Published by: K-12 News Network

Charter Schools Are Failing and Our Democracy Pays the Price

Charter Schools Are Failing and Our Democracy Pays the Price

Taxpayer dollars are filling the bank accounts of those who manage charter schools which is evident as research by In...

K-12 News Network | Organizing for Education Justice

Organize Florida activists protest Trump infrastructure plan

Progressive activists gathered on the shores of Lake Parker on Thursday to air their discontent with the Trump...

The Ledger | Civic Engagement

Warren blasts Yellen for endorsing very white, very male regional Fed presidents

Around this time last year, as another white male took the reins at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Fed’s...

How to Build the Movement for Progressive Power, the Urban Way

As the gears of federal government have ground to a halt, a new energy has been rocking the foundations of our urban...

[created] | Published by: Women’s Media Center

Women workers vow to fight back after Supreme Court ruling

Women workers vow to fight back after Supreme Court ruling

“In early 2017, I became network president and co-executive director at the Center for Popular Democracy, a national...

Women’s Media Center | Civic Engagement

Equal pay is widely understood to be a feminist issue — so why isn't the Fight for $15?

The idea that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work is probably among the least controversial feminist...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago