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'Nueva York en un Minuto': el fiscal general Jeff Sessions le declara la guerra a la pandilla MS-13

En otras noticias, la dueña de una floristería de Nueva Jersey es acusada de robar flores de un cementerio y el...

Univision 41 | Civic Engagement

I often can't afford groceries because of volatile work schedules at Gap

As the movement for a $15 minimum wage grows, low-wage workers know the problem isn’t just the hourly pay rate. It’s...

Charter Financing: Study Finds Too Little Accountability in California

San Jose Mercury News - April 9, 2014, by Raymond Blanchard - Every parent wishes their children will reach their...

One More Day of Protests Planned in St. Louis Area

New York Times - October 13, 2014, by Minica Davey and Alan Blinder - After demonstrations that varied from...

[created] | Published by: Christian Science Monitor

Would independent prosecutors make police shooting investigations fairer?

Would independent prosecutors make police shooting investigations fairer?

Critics say the close connections between prosecutors and local police leads to unjust decisions not to prosecute...

Christian Science Monitor

‘We are not ready’: Arizona voters warn Election Day could be worse than primary fiasco

PHOENIX, ARIZONA — On Arizona’s primary day this April, voters in Maricopa County waited five hours in the hot sun to...

Why It's a Big Deal Hillary Clinton Plans to Shake Up the Fed

Hillary Clinton is taking on the United States Federal Reserve System, but in a wonky, bottom's-up way that shows her...

Avengers Assemble! Scarlett Johansson shows off her chic pixie cut as she joins her co-stars including Robert Downey Jnr for benefit reading of classic play Our Town

She's known for her role as heroine Black Widow in the Marvel Avengers series, with the latest installment, Infinity...

Daily Mail | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Albuquerque Journal

ABQ, SF receive grants to help immigrants become citizens

ABQ, SF receive grants to help immigrants become citizens

Cities for Citizenship is a national initiative supported by advocacy groups Center for Popular Democracy and the...

Albuquerque Journal

Facebook Founder Gives $20mm Donation On Hillary To Defeat Trump's "Fear And Hostility" Campaign

A few weeks back we noted how Bullard had questioned the intentions of ex-Facebook founder Dustin Moskovitz in funding...


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RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago