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[created] | Published by: Metro US

The Fair Workweek bill is approved by City Council

The Fair Workweek bill is approved by City Council

Philly is following the example of New York City, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and the state of Oregon, all...

[created] | Published by: Journal Inquirer

Hurricane Maria vigil on track in Hartford

Hurricane Maria vigil on track in Hartford

Despite confusion over permits, police and city officials say they’re working with two local community groups to help...

In Service Sector, No Rest for the Working

New York Times - February 21, 2015, by Steven Greenhouse - On the nights when she has just seven hours between shifts...

Charter Financing: Study Finds Too Little Accountability in California

San Jose Mercury News - April 9, 2014, by Raymond Blanchard - Every parent wishes their children will reach their...

The issue Democrats need to address in the debate

In just two years, more than 13 million workers have received a raise, most notably in Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle,...

New Report Details Plans for Low-Wage Worker Justice

The Village Voice - February 14, 2013, by Jason Lewis - When a worker in this city has to endure a three-hour walk to...

Protesters roll loudly through Senate office buildings, 155 arrested

The chants of vocal activists echoed through the hallways of Senate office buildings Wednesday, as hundreds staged sit-...

Puerto Rican Families Displaced in Florida by Hurricane María Recruited as Potential Voters

The Summer for Puerto Rico campaign is spearheaded by Julio López Varona, the Director of Puerto Rico Diaspora...

NPR Latino USA | Civic Engagement

One More Day of Protests Planned in St. Louis Area

New York Times - October 13, 2014, by Minica Davey and Alan Blinder - After demonstrations that varied from...

Where Trump’s Policies Sow Fear, New Campaign Argues, "Corporate Backers of Hate" Stand to Profit

Last month, immigrant and workers’ rights groups, led by the Center for Popular Democracy and Make the Road New York,...

Rewire | Civic Engagement


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RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago