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[created] | Published by: USA Today

More states adopt tough paid sick-leave laws

More states adopt tough paid sick-leave laws

PHOENIX — A new paid sick-leave law took effect Saturday in Arizona, which joins a cluster of other states in...

USA Today

A Push to Give Steadier Shifts to Part-Timers

New York Times - July 15, 2014, by Steve Greenhouse - As more workers find their lives upended and their paychecks...

13 Retailers Questioned By N.Y. Attorney General About Worker Scheduling

LA Times - April 13, 2015, by Samantha Masunaga - he scheduling practices of 13 retailers, including Gap Inc., Target...

[created] | Published by: Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Activists from around the country to march, hold workshops in Pittsburgh

Activists from around the country to march, hold workshops in Pittsburgh

An estimated 1,500 demonstrators will hit the streets of Downtown Pittsburgh this afternoon — and both geographically...

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

'Nueva York en un Minuto': el fiscal general Jeff Sessions le declara la guerra a la pandilla MS-13

En otras noticias, la dueña de una floristería de Nueva Jersey es acusada de robar flores de un cementerio y el...

Univision 41 | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Vox

Black Community Seeks the Power of the Ballot

Black community voting

Black Community Seeks the Power of the Ballot

Source: Vox...

Contractors and Workers at Odds Over Scaffold Law

New York Times - December 17, 2013, by Kirk Semple - In 1885, as new engineering inventions were ushering in the era of...

IDNYC: Fuente de Dignidad para Miles

El Diario - January 30, 2015, by Ana Maria Archila - Se puede palpar la emoción este mes en las comunidades inmigrantes...

NYC debe apoyar a la numerosa población inmigrante para asegurar una fuerza laboral exitosa

Marta tiene dificultad para encontrar trabajo últimamente. Con frecuencia, cuando va a solicitar empleo haciendo comida...

El Diario
[created] | Published by: Politico

Why markets ignore Trump news

Why markets ignore Trump news

ALSO TODAY: FED UP IN WYOMING — Per release: “On the eve of the Federal Reserve’s annual economic symposium in Jackson...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

1 month ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

1 month ago