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Report slams Louisiana charter school oversight

The Times-Picayune - 05-08-2015 - Louisiana understaffs its charter schools oversight offices and, instead of proactively investigating...

Toys "R" Us Workers Meet with Senator Bernie Sanders and March Against Private Equity as the Legacy of Geoffrey is Further Tarnished...

Today, a group of Toys "R" Us employees met with Senator Bernie Sanders in Washington D.C., later marching alongside representatives from The Center for Popular Democracy and Rise Up Retail as...

The Rock Father Magazine | Restoring a Fair Workweek
[created] | Published by: The Charlotte Observer

Protesters backing undocumented immigrants locked out of Bank of America HQ

Protesters backing undocumented immigrants locked out of Bank of America HQ

The south doors of Bank America’s corporate headquarters were locked at 10:30 a.m. Monday, to keep out a immigrant advocates who tried to enter the building to advocate for undocumented immigrants...

The Charlotte Observer | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: inequality.org

The Activists Who Helped Shut Down Trump’s CEO Councils

The Activists Who Helped Shut Down Trump’s CEO Councils

The CEOs who made up two White House advisory councils have fled like rats on a sinking ship. Their exodus — a dramatic rebuke of Donald Trump — came within 48 hours of the incendiary August 15...

inequality.org | Civic Engagement

Latinos Presentan La Mayor Tasa De Mortalidad Por Accidentes En Industria De La Construcción De Nueva York

Latinos Post – October 25, 2013 -

La población hispana e inmigrante que es empleada en el sector de la construcción del estado de Nueva York es el grupo étnico más vulnerable a...

The Fed’s “Hammer” Can Be Used to Great Effect to Improve Prospects for Minority Workers

Economic Policy Institute Blog - March 4, 2015, by Josh Bivens - Update: Binyamin Appelbaum has made a useful change to...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

What Happens After the Progressive Revolution Comes to a City Like Durham

“Coalitions are coming together throughout the country. “Increasingly, what we’re seeing is cities and municipal policy-makers working together to build alternatives in policy and governance,”...

The Nation
[created] | Published by: The Rutland Herald

The public compact

The public compact

It is always amusing to be the subject of a John McClaughry jeremiad. While I don’t mind being labeled as the “foremost defender” of public education, he insists on giving me full personal credit...

The Rutland Herald | Organizing for Education Justice
[created] | Published by: La Tribuna de Cartagena

Puerto Rico en quiebra por culpa del Clan Botín

Puerto Rico en quiebra por culpa del Clan Botín

Según la abogado y directora de nuevos proyectos en Center For Popular Democracy, Xiomara Caro “una cosa es la ilegalidad, que se tendría que probar en un tribunal, pero que haya un conflicto de...

La Tribuna de Cartagena | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Survey of New Yorkers Show Strong Backing for Paid Family Leave, Stringer and Several Politicos Say

New Yorkers need policies that would help them balance work and family responsibilities, according to a report released today by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, in partnership with A...


this just in...


RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

1 day ago

Tap in y’all - it’s time to celebrate our wins. This year we’re throwing a closing party for @Netroots_Nation and we want you to join us! Saturday July 13th from 6-9pm registered attendees are invited to enjoy fantastic food, music and entertainment to close out #NN24. https://t.co/e0wJBivWDa

3 days ago