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Volatile Schedules Exacerbate Inequality

New York Times - July 23, 2014, by Carrie Gleason - Across the economy, workers are either employed for too few hours or far too many in an ever-changing workweek that demands 24/7 availability,...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

Jessica Biel Throws Shade, Meryl Streep, Mila Kunis & More

Alyssa Milano and Ady Barkan attend the Los Angeles Supports a Dream Act Now! protest on Wednesday.


[created] | Published by: CBS Local (Colorado)

Out-Of-State Money Pours In To Raise Colorado’s Minimum Wage

Out-Of-State Money Pours In To Raise Colorado’s Minimum Wage

DENVER (CBS4) – Voters will get to decide whether to raise the minimum wage in Colorado after the proposal made it on the November ballot.

A lot of out-of-state money will be poured into...

CBS Local (Colorado) | Raising the Bar for Workers and Families
[created] | Published by: Reuters

U.S. lawmakers urge Yellen to diversify the Fed

U.S. lawmakers urge Yellen to diversify the Fed

U.S. lawmakers including Senator Elizabeth Warren and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Thursday sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen urging more diversity at the...

Reuters | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Activist Group Takes Out TV Ad Calling for Trump to Keep Yellen

The Center for Popular Democracy's Fed Up campaign broadcast a 30-second TV spot urging Mr. Trump to offer Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen a second term. The ad ran during "Fox & Friends," a...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Pittsburgh to host progressive activists, leaders at National People’s Convention

In Seattle’s 2013 election, Nick Licata broke the city’s record for the most votes received citywide for a city councilor in a contested race. That same year he was named the country’s Most...

Pittsburgh City Paper | Raising the Bar for Workers and Families, Restoring a Fair Workweek

Protest Matters: Senate Asks F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh After Flake Is Confronted by Sexual Assault Survivors

The Senate Judiciary Committee abruptly halted the effort to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on Friday, agreeing to a request from Sen. Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, to delay a...

The Intercept | Civic Engagement

Report: Starbucks falls short on vow to make workers' schedules more fair

Despite a public pledge last year to ease scheduling burdens for its baristas, Starbucks has fallen short of its commitment on a number of fronts, according to a new report released Wednesday...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

Working full time, but living in poverty

Metro - February 13, 2013, by Alison Brown -

They are working full time, but they are living in poverty.

One day after President Barack Obama said America...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Is There Enough Anti-Trump Outrage To Spook These Nine Companies?

Activists are targeting corporations they claim support President Trump's agenda with new #BackersOfHate campaign...


Civic Engagement


this just in...


RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago

Tap in y’all - it’s time to celebrate our wins. This year we’re throwing a closing party for @Netroots_Nation and we want you to join us! Saturday July 13th from 6-9pm registered attendees are invited to enjoy fantastic food, music and entertainment to close out #NN24. https://t.co/e0wJBivWDa

3 days ago