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Why a group of Commerce City teachers spent a day asking parents how they could do their jobs better

COMMERCE CITY — On a recent Saturday morning, about a dozen teachers from the Adams 14 School District walked through a trailer park asking parents how they could do their jobs better.


Chalkbeat Colorado | Organizing for Education Justice
[created] | Published by: The Huffington Post

Texas Gives The Green Light To Racial Profiling

Texas Gives The Green Light To Racial Profiling

Today, a judge in San Antonio will be hearing opening arguments on a lawsuit against Senate Bill 4, a law passed in Texas last month that is the single biggest attack on immigrants this country...

The Huffington Post

JPMorgan Chase Is Funding and Profiting From Private Immigration Prisons

One of America's largest banks, JPMorgan Chase, is quietly financing the immigration detention centers that have detained an average of 26,240 people per day through July 2017, according to a new ...

Alternet | Civic Engagement

Bushwick Residents Rally at City Hall to Decry Deadlock on Immigration Reform

“Today we suffer, in November we vote,” dozens of protesters chanted in front of City Hall this afternoon. Some 40 people gathered to express dismay over yesterday’s Supreme Court deadlock over...

Bedford + Bowery

The First Time Maria Gallagher Talked About Her Sexual Assault, It Was to Senator Flake

The Senate Judiciary Committee has officially voted to move Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination forward. However, Sen. Jeff Flake has requested an FBI investigation take place before the...

Elle | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Queens Chronicle

Peralta pushing to pass Carlos’ Law

Peralta pushing to pass Carlos’ Law

“Citing a 2013 report by the Center for Popular Democracy, Peralta said that between 2003 and 2011, three out of four victims in fatal construction accidents in the United State were immigrants or...

Queens Chronicle | Civic Engagement

Puerto Rico is on Track for Historic Debt Forgiveness -- Unless Wall Street Gets its Way

For bondholders sitting on Puerto Rican debt, Hurricane Maria may have come just when they needed it, just as a yearslong battle over the fate of the island’s financial future was beginning to...

The Intercept | Civic Engagement

Gillibrand Has Received Big Campaign Donations from Puerto Rico Bondholders

“Politicians that receive money from hedge fund managers like Seth Klarman and Dan Loeb should understand that their money is coming from people who have pushed austerity and privatization as the...

Sludge | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: NY Daily News

Nancy Pelosi, N.Y. pols rip GOP tax plan at Queens teach-in

Nancy Pelosi, N.Y. pols rip GOP tax plan at Queens teach-in

"When we look at this bill, it’s really a thinly veiled $1.5 trillion attempt to take away people’s health care, to stop funding schools, to sell off our nation’s infrastructure. That’s really...

NY Daily News | Civic Engagement

Risking Public Money: California Charter School Fraud

Executive Summary

In 1992, California became the second state in the nation to pass legislation authorizing the creation of charter schools. Since the law’s passage, which originally...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago