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Wal-Mart Pay Raises Still Don’t Amount to Living Wage


NEW YORK CITY Wal-Mart’s wage hike to a minimum $10 per hour kicks in tomorrow, February 20, but the higher wages fall well short of a...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Fed's Bostic to Hear Case for Excluding Housing From Inflation

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic will hear the case for excluding housing from measures of consumer prices that the U.S. central bank targets when he meets this week with...

Bloomberg | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Avengers Assemble! Scarlett Johansson shows off her chic pixie cut as she joins her co-stars including Robert Downey Jnr for benefit reading of classic play Our Town

She's known for her role as heroine Black Widow in the Marvel Avengers series, with the latest installment, Infinity War, set to hit UK cinemas in April 2018.

And Scarlett Johansson put her...

Daily Mail | Civic Engagement

Why Black Lives Matter wants Hillary Clinton to reinstate Glass-Steagall

Hillary Clinton's support from financial institutions has always been her Achilles heel but running counter to this criticism is her pledge to end systemic racism. The two are actually closely...

CNBC | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Help for Immigrants

Polish Daily News - November 7, 2013 - Contrary to the defendants under the criminal justice system, people in immigration detention have no right to a lawyer from the office. As part of the New...

Warren allies demand answers from Clinton on Wall St. ties

“On behalf of our nine million supporters across the country, we are writing to request more information about your positions regarding the revolving door between Wall Street and the federal...

Holding Wall Street Accountable
[created] | Published by: Market Watch

New York Fed taps John Williams to be next president

New York Fed taps John Williams to be next president

"Today, the Federal Reserve concluded another opaque and controversial Reserve Bank presidential selection process by ignoring the demands of the public and choosing yet another white man whose...

Market Watch | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Huffington Post

If Black Lives Really Matter, We Gotta Stop Hitting Repeat

If Black Lives Really Matter, We Gotta Stop Hitting Repeat

There’s a black man. Police confront him. Police kill him, and we watch the video. There’s an investigation, protests and calls for justice. A community grieves, and we all hit repeat.


Huffington Post

Inmigrantes hispanos sufren más accidentes en las obras, indica estudio

NY1 Noticias – October 24, 2013 -

Un nuevo estudio indica que los trabajadores inmigrantes hispanos son más propensos a morir en trabajos de la construcción.


Mind the Gap: How the Federal Reserve Can Help Raise Wages for America’s Women and Men

The American economy remains too weak. Over the past 35 years, the vast majority of workers have seen their wages stagnate. And, racial and gender wage gaps have persisted. The failure to...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up


this just in...


RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago

Tap in y’all - it’s time to celebrate our wins. This year we’re throwing a closing party for @Netroots_Nation and we want you to join us! Saturday July 13th from 6-9pm registered attendees are invited to enjoy fantastic food, music and entertainment to close out #NN24. https://t.co/e0wJBivWDa

3 days ago