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Jeff Flake debates GOP tax plan with voter on a plane

While traveling Thursday on an airplane from Washington, GOP Sen. Jeff Flake debated a voter in a wide-ranging discussion about the GOP tax plan, the issue of Dreamers, the Affordable Care Act and...

CNN | Civic Engagement

Municipal Court Reforms Gaining Momentum, But How Far Will They Go?

St. Louis Post Dispatch - February 2, 2014, by Jeffrey Kohler - While law professors and activists call for dramatic reforms for municipal courts in St. Louis County — including getting rid of...

Hold JPMorgan Chase Accountable for Profiting Off Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants

Take Action Now gives you three meaningful actions you can take each week—whatever your schedule. This week, you can take a picture to support Nissan workers in Mississippi, hold JPMorgan Chase...

The Nation | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Viable Opposition

Economic Sector Bias at the Federal Reserve

Economic Sector Bias at the Federal Reserve

In part one of this two-part posting, I looked at the gender bias at the Federal Reserve, showing how men vastly outnumber women in key posts at Federal Reserve Banks throughout the United States...

Viable Opposition | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

How to Help Residents of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Recover After Hurricane Maria

These organizations are helping with immediate needs—like food—and long-term efforts, including rebuilding...


Colorlines | Civic Engagement

Yellen Meets Activists on Economy

McClatchy Washington Bureau - November 14, 2014 - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen met Friday with leaders of groups that want a voice in the selection of future presidents at the Fed’s 12...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up, Restoring a Fair Workweek

Blow up the deficit!

As most working Americans could tell you, the economy is still not doing well.

Right now, political pressure to fix this tends to focus on the Federal Reserve. When the Fed hikes interest...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Black Unemployment Dips to 7-Year Low

The Black unemployment rate tumbled to 9.1 percent in July, the lowest rate for Black workers in seven years, according to the latest jobs report from the U.S. Labor Department.

Even though...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Senate's Kavanaugh Vote Ends in Chaos After GOP Sen. Flake Asks for FBI Sex-Assault Probe

One day after Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified about her sexual assault allegations against the Supreme Court nominee, the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday voted to send...

InStyle | Civic Engagement

The Fair Workweek Initiative Takes on Abusive Scheduling Practices on Aljazeera America

Aljazeera America - July 24, 2014 - The Center for Popular Democracy's Fair Workweek Initiative Director Carrie Gleason joins Aljazeera America to discuss how unfair work scheduling impedes low-...

Restoring a Fair Workweek


this just in...


We were excited and honored to represent at @Netroots_Nation for #NN24 this past week. Everyone showed out this year- on a panel about the deep organizing we need to #HouseEveryOne, at @ppls_coalition's documentary screening for We The People’s Process, and closing celebration. https://t.co/gqAf2Yr7rU

4 hours ago

Black, Latine and working-class communities have been experiencing #Project2025 policy for decades- and they were the first to speak up about it. Join our call about it from wherever you are today: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/jQcgxeyZnC

23 hours ago