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[created] | Published by: EclectaBlog

What is a Good Job?

What is a Good Job?

Today marks the 78th anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the law that gave us the minimum wage and a host of other protections to protect workers from the most cutthroat tendencies of...

EclectaBlog | Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Protesters Converge On Stephen Schwarzman's Water Mill Home

About 35 protesters from various political organizations—the Center for Popular Democracy, Make the Road New York, New York Communities for Change, and Strong for All Economy Coalition—converged...

27east | Civic Engagement

The Federal Reserve Should Not Increase Interest Rates

Later this month, the world's top financial and economic policymakers will pow-wow at the Federal Reserve Bank annual meeting in Jackson Hole to determine whether it is time for the Fed to roll...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Jeff Flake lies to a dying man about the impact of his tax bill vote

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) doesn't have the monopoly in telling happy lies about the Republican tax bill in hoping constituents will let her off the hook. On a flight back to Arizona Thursday...

Daily Kos | Civic Engagement

For immigrants fighting deportation, a push for government-funded lawyers

Nearly 4,000 immigrants in the Washington region face deportation every year without a lawyer, according to a report that calls on area governments to follow the lead of New...

The Washington Post

Turning a Moment into a Movement after the Deaths of Unarmed Black Men

Washington Post - February 19, 2015, by Marc Fisher, Sandya Somashekhar, and Wesley Lowery - In the months following...

Puerto Rico Activists Crash Federal Reserve Panel With Creative Protest

NEW YORK — Over a dozen activists descended on a building where Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen and her three living predecessors were speaking on Thursday to demand that the Fed bail out...

Huffington Post | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Organize Florida activists protest Trump infrastructure plan

Progressive activists gathered on the shores of Lake Parker on Thursday to air their discontent with the Trump administration’s outline for a nationwide infrastructure improvement plan.


The Ledger | Civic Engagement

Trump makes first mark on Fed as Senate approves key nominee

President Donald Trump officially made his first mark on the Federal Reserve on Thursday, when the Senate voted 65-32 to approve his first and only nominee to the central bank’s board.


Politico | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Progressive Group Sues Fed, Seeking Information on Presidential Selection

The left-leaning Center for Popular Democracy on Wednesday filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Federal Reserve, seeking to shine light on the central bank’s president selection process....

Morning Consult | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up


this just in...


We were excited and honored to represent at @Netroots_Nation for #NN24 this past week. Everyone showed out this year- on a panel about the deep organizing we need to #HouseEveryOne, at @ppls_coalition's documentary screening for We The People’s Process, and closing celebration. https://t.co/gqAf2Yr7rU

7 hours ago

Black, Latine and working-class communities have been experiencing #Project2025 policy for decades- and they were the first to speak up about it. Join our call about it from wherever you are today: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/jQcgxeyZnC

1 day ago