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Capitolwire: Report, Teachers' Unions Want Legislature to Mandate Stricter Audits of “Cash Cow” Charter School Industry

Capitolwire - October 1, by Christen Smith - A report released Wednesday insists meager state oversight has allowed charter school officials to defraud taxpayers out of $30 million over the last...

[created] | Published by: WJLA ABC 7 DC

Hundreds rally in a DC church for DACA solution

Hundreds rally in a DC church for DACA solution

Hundreds of people rallied Wednesday inside of a church near the U.S. Capitol demanding legislation to protect young, undocumented immigrants and replace the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals...

WJLA ABC 7 DC | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Moorbey'z Blog

The Criminalized Majority

The Criminalized Majority

“Everyone should go to jail, say, once every ten years,” opined novelist and poet Jesse Ball in a recent LA Times article. It may seem like Swiftian satire, but Ball’s proposal is earnest....

Moorbey'z Blog | Justice Transformation

Aldermen, Activists Propose City Ordinance To Raise Minimum Wage

Chicagoist - May 28, 2014, by Aaron Cynic - Supporters of raising the minimum wage introduced an ordinance at a City Council meeting today that calls for an increase to $15 an hour. The proposal,...

[created] | Published by: Associated Press in The New York Times

Barkin Tapped as Next President of Richmond Fed Bank

Barkin Tapped as Next President of Richmond Fed Bank

The Federal Reserve's Richmond regional bank announced on Monday that Thomas Barkin, a senior executive at global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co., will be the bank's next president...

Associated Press in The New York Times | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Nan Goldin, Activists Bring Sackler Protest to Harvard Art Museums

“Protestors threw pill bottles on the floor of the atrium, handed out pamphlets, and held banners and posters with phrases like “MEDICAL STUDENTS AGAINST THE SACKLERS,” and “HARM REDUCTION NOW/...

ArtNews | Civic Engagement

Anti-Trump Activists Find an Unlikely Weapon: Jamie Dimon's Salary

In the end, nearly 93% of JPMorgan Chase (JPM) shareholders approved of boosting CEO Jamie Dimon's pay to $28 million last year, an increase of 3.7%.

Among those who demurred, a common...

The Street | Base-Building & Affiliates, Civic Engagement

One ex-banker's built-in advantage in the Fed chair race: Family ties to Trump

With Gary Cohn’s chances of becoming chairman of the Federal Reserve diminished, another former banker is waiting in the wings for the coveted post: Kevin Warsh.

A veteran of both the...

Politico | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Black Lives Matter coalition issues first political agenda demanding slavery reparations

A coalition built on the Black Lives Matter movement has issued its first political agenda demanding reforms in the American justice system and reparations for slavery. Some 60 organisations in...

International Business Times

Wall Street Group Aggressively Lobbied a Federal Agency to Thwart Eminent Domain Plans

The Nation - January 17, 2014, by Alexis Goldstein - Despite Wall Street’s ...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago