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[created] | Published by: The Washington Post

The King who carried on the fight for economic justice

The King who carried on the fight for economic justice

Coretta Scott King opposed violence in all its forms — from the personal violence that took her husband 50 years ago Wednesday, to what she described as the economic violence of unemployment and...

The Washington Post | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Retail Dive

New York City considers ban of on-call scheduling in retail

New York City considers ban of on-call scheduling in retail

Dive Brief:

The New York City Council on Tuesday introduced a package of bills that would ban on-call scheduling and other inflexible, unpredictable scheduling practices deemed unfair by...

Retail Dive | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Activists confront Fed leaders to warn against rate hike

The liberal Center for Popular Democracy has launched a "Fed Up" campaign to urge the central bank’s chairwoman, Janet Yellen, and her team of policymakers against raising interest rates.


Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Jobs Data Shows Economy Still Not Recovered, Far from Full Employment

Workers Still Face Low Pay, Part-Time Employment in Today’s Economy

Connie Razza, Director of Strategic Research for the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), released the following...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

LA is Taking On the Fair Workweek Fight - It Could Change Your Life

The Center for Popular Democracy did an extensive national study of retail workers in 2017, surveying over 1,000 people working in retail and finding that despite statewide minimum wage gains and...

City Watch LA | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Citizenship: A Wise Investment for Cities

Citizenship: A Wise Investment for Cities

Metropolitan areas derive much of their vitality from their large immigrant populations. When immigrants become citizens, they make...

Jeb and Hillary’s opportunity on workweek fairness

Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton have been trading barbs about whether Americans are working hard enough, but behind the give-and-take is a real emerging issue that has a dire impact on our country’s...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

Why Charter Schools Are a Bad Idea: Guest Opinion

AL.com - March 17, 2014, by Rep. Craig Ford - Other than the $700 million hole in the state's General Fund budget, no issue has been more talked about than the charter school bill.


[created] | Published by: The Vindicator

New initiative Opioid Network lobbies legislators

New initiative Opioid Network lobbies legislators

Standing in the marble-floored hallway of a U.S. Senate building, Don LoGiudice of Boardman recalled the morning he found his son, Donny, dead from a drug overdose.


The Vindicator | Civic Engagement

Forum Held On Report That Calls For Minimum Wage Raise To $10 An Hour

NY1 - A forum was held Wednesday at the CUNY Murphy Institute on a new report by United New York and the Center for...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families


this just in...


Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

43 minutes ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago