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Dying to Entertain Us: Celebrities Keep ODing on Opioids and No One Cares

Repeating the success of the Ryan White Act on the opioid front would require a massive advocacy movement in the coming years. Longtime activist Jennifer Flynn Walker, director of mobilization and...

The Village Voice | Civic Engagement

NYC pagará por abogados en casos de deportación

El Diario - July 18, 2013, by Claudia Torrens - Nueva York se prepara para dar otro paso en su tradición de ayuda a inmigrantes: planea pagar los abogados de oficio que necesitan cuando se...

Protecting Immigrant Communities
[created] | Published by: Equal Voice

Immigration Advocates on SB 4: We’re Resisting in Texas

Immigration Advocates on SB 4: We’re Resisting in Texas

Grassroots leaders and local officials wasted little time organizing a coordinated campaign to fight SB 4, a new Texas law that targets cities, towns and sheriffs that don’t cooperate with federal...

Equal Voice

Richmond Fed Chief Pick Renews Debate on Shrouded Hiring Process

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s decision to hire Thomas Barkin as its next president has renewed questions over the cloaked process of selecting officials who set the most widely watched...

Bloomberg | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

What Does Black Lives Matter Want? Now Its Demands Are Clearer Than Ever

One commonly asked question about this moment in black-led organizing—what some broadly refer to as the Black Lives Matter movement—is what its participants want. What are BLM’s goals and why,...

Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: US News & World Report

Fed Up With the Senate

Fed Up With the Senate

Right now, there are key vacancies at a vital government institution. President Barack Obama has fulfilled his duty and put forward eminently qualified nominees to fill the vacancies. Yet despite...

US News & World Report | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

The ALS Activist Who Thinks He Can Flip a Deep Red Arizona District

Last week, Barkan and a host of progressive activists announced the launch of the Be a Hero initiative, created in part by the Center for Popular Democracy Action, a group that has consistently...

The Daily Beast | Civic Engagement

'All hands on deck': protesters to target healthcare bill at rallies across US

Activist groups praised John McCain for his promise to vote no on the Lindsey Graham-Bill Cassidy healthcare bill on Friday, but they warned against complacency as they said the fight to protect...

The Guardian | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: AlterNet (republished in Salon, covered in Diane Ravitch's blog)

The New Education Reform Lie: Why Denver Is a Warning Sign, Not a Model, for Urban School Districts

The New Education Reform Lie: Why Denver Is a Warning Sign, Not a Model, for Urban School Districts

Scott Gilpin works in advertising, so he's used to dealing with people in the promotions business. He's just not used to seeing them operating a local public school.

Gilpin lives in Denver...

AlterNet (republished in Salon, covered in Diane Ravitch's blog) | Organizing for Education Justice

Report: East African Workers Make Poverty Wages in Minnesota

FOX 9 Minneapolis - April 8, 2015 - A new report released by the Center for Popular Democracy says there's a disproportionately high poverty rate for the East African communities in Minnesota, and...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families


this just in...


Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

2 hours ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago