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Lange, unregelmäßige Arbeitszeit: Starbucks weiter in der Kritik

Die Kritik vieler Mitarbeiter an den Arbeitsbedingungen bei der Kaffeehauskette Starbucks hat für einen neuen Begriff im Wortschatz vieler US-Amerikaner gesorgt: "Clopening". Für viele...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

Can New CEO Tim Sloan Fix Scandal-Plagued Wells Fargo’s Corporate Culture?

Scandal-plagued Wells Fargo’s recent selection of long-time bank insider Tim Sloan to replace John Stumpf as its CEO has done little to mollify critics, given Sloan’s central management role...

The American Prospect | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Watch Live: Young Immigrants Rally In DC To Call On Congress To Save DREAMers

(Interview with Ana Maria Archila at 1:09:10)

Watch the full video...

BuzzFeed News Live

Una victoria imperfecta para los trabajadores de Nueva York

Millones de neoyorquinos están celebrando el acuerdo de esta semana que aumentó el sueldo mínimo en el estado. Este pacto hace que familias en todo el estado puedan aspirar a un futuro mejor y...

El Diario | Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Hispanos afrontan barreras de idioma en NY, según informe

El Diario – August 5, 2013, by Ruth E. Hernández - Las agencias del Gobierno estatal de Nueva York tienen importantes carencias a la hora de facilitar el acceso a sus servicios a los más de $2...

These Organizations Are Working To Help Puerto Rico's Recovery Efforts

Puerto Rico was badly damaged by Hurricane Maria. The storm caused billions of dollars worth of property damage. Efforts to repair and rebuild houses, roads, and telecom infrastructure are going...

Forbes | Civic Engagement

Los trabajadores latinos quieren que la Fed les oiga

Lo cierto es que pese a la mejora económica la tasa de desempleo de latinos (6.8%) y negros (9.1%)  es más elevada que la de los blancos (4.6%) y asiáticos (4%) y muchos de ellos trabajan por...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Amazon’s $15 an Hour Minimum Wage and the Federal Reserve Board

This is where Fed Up played an incredible role. They were a crucial voice on the other side, constantly reminding the Fed of its legal mandate to promote full employment. Fed Up had important...

Truthout | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Transcript: Netroots Annual ConfeCPD and Local Progress Mentioned in C-Span during Netroots Conventionrence

...codirector of Local Progress, a national group that unites progressive local officials and allied organizations. It is run by the Center for popular Democracy...



The Fed’s Main Job Is Jobs, And A Coalition Plans To Keep It On Task

Campaign for America's Future - September 4, 2014, by Isaiah Poole - A lot of eyes will be on the Federal Reserve Friday when the Labor Department releases its August unemployment...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up


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We stand with the workers, from the students and staff protesting against militarism at their universities, to the organizers mobilizing at statehouses to fight for immigrant workers' rights. https://t.co/g1kzG0bqnE

2 hours ago

As workers across the world take part in protests for ceasefire, worker protections and unionization, today is a reminder that without us there is nothing. ¡Nada de nosotros sin nosotros! #WorkersDay https://t.co/HwvaZ0DFaw

2 hours ago