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Talking to Kerri Evelyn Harris, the Mom, Vet, and Mechanic Staring Down Delaware's Political Machine

“I work with the Opioid Network, which is a subset of Center for Popular Democracy. I’m going to be in DC on April 18, doing an action at the Smithsonian, where we put down medicine bottles from a...

Splinter News | Civic Engagement

Report: Lax Oversight Leaves Charter Schools Vulnerable to Fraud

SF Gate - March 24, 2015, by Jill Tucker - California’s 1,100 charter schools are subject to insufficient financial oversight, lax practices that leave the door wide open to fraud, mismanagement...

If Politicians Actually Want to Make Change, They Have to Think Like Organizers

In 2011, after years of entrenched fighting between businesses and labor supporters, and months of negotiation in the city council, Seattle’s paid sick-leave ordinance came down to a walk in the...

The Nation

De Blasio, Mark-Viverito Announce Paid Sick Leave Expansion Plan

NY1 - January 17, 2014, by Grace Rauh - Approximately 500,000 more New Yorkers could soon get paid sick leave benefits at work, as Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-...

[created] | Published by: San Francisco Chronicle

Silicon Valley part-time workers file petition to work more hours

Silicon Valley part-time workers file petition to work more hours

San Jose labor advocates, religious leaders and hourly workers on Tuesday submitted to city officials a proposed ballot measure that would force large and mid-size companies to offer their part-...

San Francisco Chronicle | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Wall Street Stands to Make a Killing From Building Trump's Border Wall: Report

"It’s always been clear that Trump’s border wall had no real benefit or justification—and now it’s clear that it could serve to further enrich his wealthy friends,” said Ana Maria Archila, co-...


Don't Tinker with Md.'s Charter School Law

The Baltimore Sun - January 12, 2015, by Betty Weller and Verjeana Jacobs - The headlines in other states warning against weak charter school laws are mounting. In May, a report from the Center...

Who’s running our schools anyway?

After reading about Gov. Walker’s plan to close some Green Bay public schools and replace them with charters, I’m beginning to believe the takeover of our public schools by big business and...

Allentown immigration rally encourages reform

WFMZ-TV - June 18, 2013, By Rosa Duarte - A big vote on immigration reform is coming up in the U.S. Senate next week and that has local politicians and community leaders sounding off on the issue...

Black Lives Matter might get a big cash injection from liberal mega-donors

An elite liberal donor group that has given away more than $500 million is now considering funding the Black Lives Matter movement...

The Week | Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy


this just in...


Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

2 hours ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago