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[created] | Published by: The Colorado Independent

Minimum wage going up

Minimum wage going up

Voters have decided it’s time to give Colorado’s minimum-wage workers a long-overdue raise.

Amendment 70, a measure that would increase Colorado’s minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020, was...

The Colorado Independent | Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Allentown protesters take to streets to urge immigration reform

The Express-Times – October 21, 2013, by Colin McEvoy -

Hilda Gonzalez, who moved from Mexico to Allentown 12 years ago, was handed a speakerphone tonight and asked to tell an assembled...

Progressive Groups Press Hillary Clinton On Wall Street's Golden Parachutes

The groups note that during Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, two of her aides -- ...

Holding Wall Street Accountable

How Did New York Become the Most Unionized State in the Country?

The Nation - September 3, 2014, by Michelle Chen - With all the filthy lucre sloshing around on Wall Street, New York City may not strike you as a bastion of organized...

Why Dianne Feinstein’s shutdown vote helps her re-election

Feinstein’s stand has earned her the approval, if not full-fledged embrace, of activists.

“She came right on the Dream Act and that’s really important,” said Center for Popular Democracy’s...


Más alta la factura de luz y otras implicaciones de los acuerdos de la junta

Encubrimiento de violaciones de ley, conflicto de intereses, ganancias desmedidas de especuladores financieros y mayores cargas económicas para el pueblo son algunas de las implicaciones de los...

Primera Hora | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Christian Science Monitor

Would independent prosecutors make police shooting investigations fairer?

Would independent prosecutors make police shooting investigations fairer?

Critics say the close connections between prosecutors and local police leads to unjust decisions not to prosecute officers following officer-involved shootings.

The absence of indictments...

Christian Science Monitor

Charter Schools Gone Wild: Study Finds Widespread Fraud, Mismanagement and Waste

Bill Moyers - May 5, 2014, by Joshua Holland - Charter school operators want to have it both ways. When they’re answering critics of school privatization, they say charter schools are public —...

Scarlett Johansson recauda medio millón para Puerto Rico

Las compañías Marvel y Disney donaron todos los costos de producción al igual que una aportación económica de $350,000 dólares los cuales estarán destinados a la ayuda a Puerto Rico organizados...

Metro PR | Civic Engagement

Texas Matters: Unemployment Still A Problem For Texas Minority Communities

Texas Public Radio - March 6, 2015, by David Martin Davies - The U.S. Labor Department reports that the latest national unemployment rate is 5-point-5 percent. That’s good news for the economy...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago