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Think The Minimum Wage Will Be Safe Under Labor Secretary Puzder? Not So Fast.

This year was supposed to be a good one for America’s workers. After all, nearly 12 million workers won higher wages in 2016, the result of sustained and coordinated efforts around the country....

Alternet | Raising the Bar for Workers and Families
[created] | Published by: National Catholic Reporter

Project to provide legal counsel for immigrants

National Catholic Reporter logo

Project to provide legal counsel for immigrants

National Catholic Reporter - December 17, 2013, by Megan Fincher - Impoverished immigrants facing deportation in New York City can now have court-appointed counsel on their side for the first time...

National Catholic Reporter

What Does Black Lives Matter Want? Now Its Demands Are Clearer Than Ever

One commonly asked question about this moment in black-led organizing—what some broadly refer to as the Black Lives Matter movement—is what its participants want. What are BLM’s goals and why,...

Civic Engagement

The Fed’s about to try something that almost always has ended in recession

The Federal Reserve‘s looming attempt to shrink its mammoth portfolio of bonds comes with an ugly track record: Virtually every time the central bank has tried it in the past, recessions have...

NBR | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: U.S. News & World Report

Senator Flake's Journey to Defying Trump on Supreme Court Nominee

Senator Flake's Journey to Defying Trump on Supreme Court Nominee

Something happened to U.S. Republican Senator Jeff Flake between being cornered in a Capitol elevator on Friday as two women shouted at him about sexual assault and, hours later, cutting a...

U.S. News & World Report | Civic Engagement

Was the ‘Original Bargain’ with Charter Schools a Raw Deal?

The Washington Post - October 5, 2014, by Valerie Strauss - Charter school advocates didn’t like it recently when Brown University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform...

'All hands on deck': protesters to target healthcare bill at rallies across US

Activist groups praised John McCain for his promise to vote no on the Lindsey Graham-Bill Cassidy healthcare bill on Friday, but they warned against complacency as they said the fight to protect...

The Guardian | Civic Engagement

One vote will turn America’s path away from liberal socialism

WASHINGTON, Oct. 17, 2015 – What difference will my vote make? Too many will say: I am only one person. When asked why they do not exercise our constitutional...

Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy
[created] | Published by: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Activists invite St. Louis Fed president on north St. Louis bus tour

Activists invite St. Louis Fed president on north St. Louis bus tour

Activists with a group pushing for changes at the Federal Reserve asked St. Louis Fed President James Bullard to accompany them on a bus tour of some of the poorest communities in St. Louis.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Pilot program to create network of legal counsel for NY immigrants

NY1 News - July 20, 2013 - A pilot program is helping make sure New York immigrants get fair legal representation. The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project will match up needy immigrant...

Protecting Immigrant Communities


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago