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Clinton offers fresh support for key progressive priorities

Over the course of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton hasn’t had a whole lot to say about the Federal Reserve or monetary policy in general, which is why it was...

MSNBC | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: The Huffington Post

How Trump’s Pick To Police Wall Street Endangers The Economy

How Trump’s Pick To Police Wall Street Endangers The Economy

As the country reeled from news that Donald Trump Jr. apparently tried to collude with Russia against former Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton, his father, President Donald Trump, ...

The Huffington Post | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Arizona Family

Toys 'R' Us employees demand severance pay for 33,000 workers

Toys 'R' Us employees demand severance pay for 33,000 workers

The push comes as a part of a campaign supported by the advocacy group Center for Popular Democracy. The campaign will host a series of events at Toys "R" Us headquarters and the offices of...

Arizona Family | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Chicago Activists, Lawmakers Deliver Petitions To SEC For Action On 'Toxic' Interest Rate Swaps (VIDEO)

Chicago community activists and local elected officials delivered 88,000 petition signatures to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) regional office Thursday morning, urging the...

Progress Illinois | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Ilhan Omar Romps In Minneapolis Democratic Primary, While Tim Walz And Keith Ellison Win Statewide

Omar had the backing of the bulk of the progressive and grassroots groups that weighed in on the race, including MoveOn; Justice Democrats; the statewide and Twin Cities chapters of Our Revolution...

The Intercept | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: The Center for Popular Democracy

Center for Popular Democracy Names Jennifer Epps-Addison Network President

Center for Popular Democracy Names Jennifer Epps-Addison Network President

The Center for Popular Democracy Tuesday announced the appointment of Jennifer Epps-Addison as the new president of its network of 43 state-based partner organizations. She will also serve as the...

The Center for Popular Democracy | Justice Transformation

Why Recent Stock Volatility Shouldn’t Factor Into Interest-Rate Hikes

As a general principle, the Fed should not react to short-term movements in the financial markets. For one thing, the labor market is much more important to the lives of most Americans, and it is...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

For Workers, Walgreens is a Prescription for Disaster


NEW YORK – Looks like Walgreens needs some first aid of its own. 

Thousands of people across the country chose the...

Under scrutiny, New York Fed sets short list for Dudley successor

“Community and labor activists led by the Fed Up coalition demonstrate and call for the selection of a Federal Reserve Bank of New York president independent from Wall Street, outside the Fed bank...

Reuters | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

How Did New York Become the Most Unionized State in the Country?

The Nation - September 3, 2014, by Michelle Chen - With all the filthy lucre sloshing around on Wall Street, New York City may not strike you as a bastion of organized...


this just in...


Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

7 hours ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

2 days ago