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A group of about a dozen activists tried to deliver a list of demands at Bank of American Headquarters in Charlotte Monday but found the doors locked as they attempted to enter the building. A security guard accepted a letter from the group.

What to watch for this week in New York politics:

President Donald Trump is due back in New York City for the first time since taking office this week -- see below for details and expect protests, traffic gridlock, and political statements from all corners.

On May Day 2006, hundreds of thousands of immigrants participated in actions across the country, skipping work and school in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles to protest a bill that would have made it a felony to be in the United States without documentation.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- The police packed it in Monday night after the rally that took over Foley Square. The May Day rally is typically targeted towards workers' rights, but Monday night there was so much more to talk about.

NEW YORK - A number of people were arrested Monday in Manhattan during an event for May Day, also known as International Workers Day.

May Day is traditionally a day of activism for worker and immigrant rights groups.

Exuberant rallies, inspirational speeches and more than two dozen arrests for the cause of immigrant workers marked May Day celebrations around the city on Monday.

Hundreds of labor and immigrant advocates marched through east midtown early Monday in a demonstration against corporations which they say are profiting from President Trump's agenda—one of a series of May Day protests scheduled to take place throughout the city (and beyond) on Monday. 

May Day kicked off in Manhattan with police arresting 12 activists protesting against major corporations the objectors accused of supporting and profiting from President Donald Trump’s aggressive immigration enforcement agenda, in front of the JP Morgan Chase Tower on Park Avenue.

Labor unions and civil rights groups staged May Day rallies in several U.S. cities on Monday to denounce President Donald Trump's get-tough policy on immigration, a crackdown they said preys on vulnerable workers in some of America's lowest-paying jobs.
