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Hundreds of labor and immigrant advocates marched through east midtown early Monday in a demonstration against corporations which they say are profiting from President Trump's agenda—one of a series of May Day protests scheduled to take place throughout the city (and beyond) on Monday.

Activists are targeting corporations they claim support President Trump's agenda with new #BackersOfHate campaign...

Read full article here.

Activists are fearlessly taking on some of the biggest corporations in the U.S., calling them out for their ties to President Donald Trump.

BackersOfHate.org documents Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Uber and more companies' ties to the Trump Administration and policies that negatively impact poor people of color...

Corporate Backers of Hate campaign calls on companies to end practices that benefit from Trump's agenda...

Read full article here.

"Major corporations stand to profit from Trump's hateful agenda. That's why we call them Backers of Hate," the website states.

An investigation into a term that seems to perfectly capture the indignities and absurdities of the modern economy...

Read the ful article here.

The Los Angeles City Council Wednesday unanimously approved the appointment of environmental activist Aura Vasquez to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.

Theirs was not a welcome wagon.

The seeds of social activism were planted early in Nisha Agarwal’s bloodstream. The current Commissioner of Immigrant Affairs in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office took up causes and showing her community organizing skills since she was a little girl.
