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A state lawmaker from Queens announced plans Thursday to file legislation aimed at cutting ties between the New York pension fund and companies that stand to profit financially from President Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement agenda.

Last month, immigrant and workers’ rights groups, led by the Center for Popular Democracy and Make the Road New York, launched the “Corporate Backers of Hate” campaign.

America’s biggest corporations are quietly boosting Trump’s hate agenda...

Read full article here.

Activists are fearlessly taking on some of the biggest corporations in the U.S., calling them out for their ties to President Donald Trump.

"You must pick a side," Deborah Axt said of corporate America on a recent press call. "Either you stand with our communities or with hate."

En otras noticias, la dueña de una floristería de Nueva Jersey es acusada de robar flores de un cementerio y el expresidente dominicano Leonel Fernández está en Manhattan para presentar su nuevo libro.

NEW YORK — Immigrant and union groups will march in cities across the United States on Monday to mark May Day and protest against President Donald Trump's efforts to boost deportations.

La protesta popular contra las políticas antiinmigrantes y antitrabajadores de Donald Trump se amplía y desde ayer ha empezado a tener en su objetivo a empresas que hacen posible su agenda con sus inversiones o alineándose con la Administración.

Este lunes, Día internacional del trabajo, se escucharán las voces de miles de inmigrantes indocumentados y sus aliados, que ha 100 días del mandato de Donald Trump, dicen sentirse cansados por el acoso del gobierno.

The south doors of Bank America’s corporate headquarters were locked at 10:30 a.m. Monday, to keep out a immigrant advocates who tried to enter the building to advocate for undocumented immigrants.
