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Freedom to Thrive: Reimagining Safety & Security in Our Communities

Over the last 30 years, at both the national and local levels, governments have dramatically increased their spending on criminalization, policing, and mass incarceration while drastically cutting...

07/4/2017 | Justice Transformation

Cities for Citizenship 2016 Impact Report

The C4C initiative is premised on the idea that when municipal leaders develop and fund naturalization efforts to encourage eligible residents to apply for US citizenship, it produces substantial...


Justice for Sale: How Corporations Use Forced Arbitration to Exploit Working families

Over the last several decades, corporations have designed a method to exploit working families by forcing them to sign away their legal rights—unwittingly and without alternative—as a condition of...

05/18/2017 | Forced Arbitration: A Corporate Attack on Workers’ Rights

Charter School Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

In 2014, the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) issued a report demonstrating that charter schools in 15 states—about one third of the states with charter schools—had reported over $100 million in...

05/3/2017 | Organizing for Education Justice

The High Costs of Florida's Energy Infrastructure

The massive infrastructure required for the consumption, production and distribution of energy in Florida (including extraction sites, pipelines, compressor stations, and processing and refining...

05/3/2017 | Organizing for Environmental Justice

Community Schools: Problem-Solving Machines, Roosevelt Middle School Case Study

Community schools implement evidence-based strategy to bring together the resources of school, family, and community in order to make schools stronger and help young people thrive. With a century-...


The $746 Million A Year School-to-Prison Pipeline

This report, released by the Center for Popular Democracy and Urban Youth Collaborative, reveals the staggering yearly economic impact of the school-to-prison pipeline in New York City, $746.8...

04/16/2017 | Organizing for Education Justice

Access to Justice: Ensuring Counsel for Immigrants Facing Deportation in the D.C. Metropolitan Area

Every year, thousands of immigrant community members in the D.C. metropolitan area face detention and deportation because they cannot afford a lawyer. Many of these individuals have legal claims...


Protecting Immigrant Communities: Municipal Policy to Confront Mass Deportation and Criminalization

Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the plight of immigrant communities in the United States has become dire. The new administration has already taken steps to radically increase the speed...


Policy for Local Progress: Case Studies & Best Practices from Around the Country

As Local Progress celebrates our sixth year, we are delighted to share this updated version of our policy brief publication, a resource which we hope is helpful for our members across the network. We...



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