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Community Schools Toolkit

This toolkit highlights particular programs and services that have been included in community schools, and consolidates some policy and outreach resources that can be helpful in advancing a community...

05/19/2016 | Organizing for Education Justice

Minimum Hours for Maximum Impact: Creating Family-Sustaining Building Service Jobs in Today's Economy

As momentum for raising minimum wages builds across the country, minimum hours will complete the equation, stabilizing the incomes of the majority (60 percent) of working Americans who are paid by...

05/2/2016 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

A Hidden Crisis: Underemployment in Silicon Valley's Hourly Workforce

Silicon Valley is among the most prosperous regions in the United States. Yet one-third of workers in San Jose earn less in a year than the average annual rent for a one-bedroom home, and even more...

04/20/2016 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

A City of Immigrant Workers: Building a Workforce Strategy to Support All New Yorkers

New York City is a city of immigrants. New York is home to the most diverse immigrant population of any major city in the world and immigrants make up nearly half of the city’s workforce. Yet the...


Teaching Toward Equity: The importance of English Classes to Reducing Economic Inequality in New York

In 2016, economic inequality remains one of the most pressing issues facing New York. Despite growing overall economic prosperity, New York continues to struggle with high rates of poverty. And while...


Wages And Hours: Why Workers in Emeryville’s Service Sector Need a Fair Workweek

Most Americans are paid by the hour, yet today’s workweek is changing—the 40-hour workweek and the 8-hour day are no longer the norm for a significant portion of the workforce. Labor standards have...

03/22/2016 | Center for Popular Democracy, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment & East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Community Schools: Transforming Struggling Schools into Thriving Schools

For at least a decade, the dominant idea about how to improve outcomes for children and youth has focused on control and compliance; holding adults accountable for raising test scores. This approach...

02/10/2016 | Center for Popular Democracy | Organizing for Education Justice

Whose Opportunity? Profiting Off of School Turnaround and Takeover in Atlanta

The “Opportunity School District” (“OSD”) is a proposed, statewide takeover district that would allow the state to seize control of up to 100 “failing” schools for between five and 10 years. This is...

02/5/2016 | Organizing for Education Justice


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