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Gender, Racial, & Sector Diversity at the Federal Reserve: 2016 vs. 2017

In 2016 the Fed Up campaign at the Center for Popular Democracy published “To Represent the Public: The Federal Reserve’s Continued Failure to Represent the American People.” The report uncovered a...

02/7/2017 | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Florida Charters Fall Short on State Assessments

Over the last 10 years, Florida’s K-12 charter enrollment has increased 172 percent from 92,214 to 251,082 students. With that increase came tens of millions of state tax dollars for charters, yet...


Promoting Equality: City and State Policy to Ensure Immigrant Safety and Inclusion

In June of 2016, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision affirming a lower court decision blocking implementation of two programs—an enhanced Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA...


CPD Annual Report 2015

Popular democracy is a powerful, participatory, and multi-voiced democracy. The Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) works to realize this vision of democracy in our mission, campaigns, and—...


Cities for Citizenship Toolkit - 10 Strategies to Launch & Strengthen Citizenship Initiatives

Cities for Citizenship (C4C) is a major national initiative of more than 25 participating cities and counties aimed at increasing citizenship among eligible U.S. permanent residents and encouraging...


Making the Federal Reserve Fully Public: Why and How

The Federal Reserve’s governance structure is outdated and inadequate for ensuring that the Fed serves the public interest. In this paper, we examine the case for making the Fed fully public (“why...

08/1/2016 | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Reflecting the Diversity of America: Board Candidates for 12 Federal Reserve Bank Regions

The Federal Reserve has continually selected regional bank directors without transparency or public input, and most directors’ backgrounds suggest that they are likelier to be familiar with the...


The Federal Reserve: Real and Perceived Conflicts of Interest and a Path Forward

This report highlights the real and perceived conflicts of interest among regional Banks’ boards that came to light during the financial crisis, and which persist today. The findings suggest the...

06/20/2016 | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up


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