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Investing in Equity & Repairing Historic Wealth Stripping: Federal Policy Platform

Trump’s economic policies have been a disaster for working people and exacerbated economic inequality inour country, especially for families of color.


We Count! A Guide for Community Organizations on Census Engagement

The census is a survey that is a foundational part of our democracy.

10/22/2019 | Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

Schedules That Work Act + Part-Time Workers' Bill of Rights = A Fair Workweek for Hourly Workers

Today’s workforce has the potential to drive the long-term growth of our economy, but today’s scheduling practices are getting in the way. We all need a workweek we can count on – one that allows all...

10/16/2019 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Protecting Our Workers, Sustaining Our Communities: Federal Policy Platform

Trump’s economic policies have exacerbated skyrocketing rates of inequality while failing to support working people, especially families of color.


Billionaire Corporate Landlords: Exacerbating California’s Housing Crisis

California is in the midst of a housing crisis that threatens the health and well-being of millions of people.

09/27/2019 | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Pirate Equity: How Wall Street Firms are Pillaging American Retail

For decades, Wall Street firms have been driving economic inequality in our country, threatening working people’s livelihoods, and destabilizing local economies. Today, private equity firms...

07/23/2019 | Holding Wall Street Accountable, Restoring a Fair Workweek

As Wall Street Banks Sever Ties, Private Prison Companies Stand to Lose Over $1.9B in Future Financing

This year, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, SunTrust, BNP Paribas, and Fifth Third Bancorp publicly announced that they would no longer provide any new financing to the private prison...

07/17/2019 | Holding Wall Street Accountable, Protecting Immigrant Communities

Safe Roads Across the Tri-State Area: The Case for Expanding Access to Driver’s Licenses in New York and New Jersey

A growing wave of twelve states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, has passed laws that make driver’s licenses accessible to all eligible residents, regardless of immigration status.

05/29/2019 | Protecting Immigrant Communities

Unchecked Corporate Power: Forced arbitration, the enforcement crisis, and how workers are fighting back

We predict that by 2024, more than 80 percent of private-sector, nonunion workers will be blocked from suing their employers by forced arbitration clauses.

05/20/2019 | Forced Arbitration: A Corporate Attack on Workers’ Rights

The Wall Street Banks Still Financing Private Prisons

Under the Trump administration, the number of immigrants detained by the US government has skyrocketed. Nearly 75% of those detained are held in private prisons, whose stock prices have soared...



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