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Municipal Court Reforms Gaining Momentum, But How Far Will They Go?

St. Louis Post Dispatch - February 2, 2014, by Jeffrey Kohler - While law professors and activists call for dramatic reforms for municipal courts in St. Louis County — including getting rid of...

[created] | Published by: Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Stringer nails contractor who stole $1.7 million from immigrant workers

Stringer nails contractor who stole $1.7 million from immigrant workers

After getting away with stealing money from his immigrant employees’ paychecks for years, a major contractor who worked city projects across the five boroughs was slapped on Monday with a $3.2...

Brooklyn Daily Eagle

One vote will turn America’s path away from liberal socialism

WASHINGTON, Oct. 17, 2015 – What difference will my vote make? Too many will say: I am only one person. When asked why they do not exercise our constitutional...

Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

NYC pagará por abogados en casos de deportación

El Diario - July 18, 2013, by Claudia Torrens - Nueva York se prepara para dar otro paso en su tradición de ayuda a inmigrantes: planea pagar los abogados de oficio que necesitan cuando se...

Protecting Immigrant Communities

Press Release New Report Reveals Unscrupulous Employers Involved With Wage Theft in New York

Today, Center for Popular Democracy Action releases the first major report on New York wage theft since 2009. The report, ...

Center for Popular Democracy

Scam Central: Elizabeth Warren Tells Wells Fargo CEO to Resign and Get It Over With

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf was on the hot seat Tuesday when he faced Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren and other angry lawmakers at a Senate Banking Committee hearing designed to investigate...

AlterNet | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Passenger with ALS Calls Out Sen. Jeff Flake on Tax Vote, DACA

Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake recently has been masquerading as a Republican with a heart, someone willing to stand up to Donald Trump and others in the GOP whose lack of principles is...

Splinter | Civic Engagement

Full Employment for All: The Social and Economic Benefits of Race and Gender Equity in Employment

How much stronger could the economy be if everyone who wanted a job could find one—regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender?

To inform the Fed UP campaign, PolicyLink and the...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Protesters confronted Sen. Flake on his Kavanaugh vote. Hours later, he asked for a delay

Moments after pivotal Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Arizona Republican was confronted with the consequences.


PBS NewsHour | Civic Engagement

Protesters Converge On Stephen Schwarzman's Water Mill Home

About 35 protesters from various political organizations—the Center for Popular Democracy, Make the Road New York, New York Communities for Change, and Strong for All Economy Coalition—converged...

27east | Civic Engagement


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Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

1 day ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

3 days ago