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Demonstrators from Arizona chant, "Kill the bill or lose your job" while sitting on the floor outside the offices of Republican Senator Jeff Flake during a protest against health-care reform legislation

Demonstrators from Arizona chant, "Kill the bill or lose your job" while sitting on the floor outside the offices of Republican Senator Jeff Flake during a protest against health-care reform...

The Atlantic | Civic Engagement

Activists Call for End to ‘Economic Racism’

The St. Louis American - March 12, 2014, by Rebecca Rivas - African-American residents are sick and tired of hearing about an economic recovery that does not apply to them, said Derek Laney, an...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Undocumented immigrants deported 5.9 million provincial legal aid funding

World Journal - November 8, 2013, by Luohui Qi - New York City this summer from the city council was set aside $ 500,000 to establish the nation's first publicly-provided legal assistance to...

[created] | Published by: Hawaii Filipino Chronicle

It’s Time to Put the Brakes on Runaway Drug Prices

It’s Time to Put the Brakes on Runaway Drug Prices

The movement against ICE is born at the grassroots. Groups like Indivisible Project and the Center for Popular Democracy have also called for defunding ICE.


Hawaii Filipino Chronicle

Charter Schools are Cheating Your Kids: New Report Reveals Massive Fraud, Mismanagement, Abuse

Salon - May 7, 2014, by Paul Rosenberg - Just in time for National Charter School Week, there’s a new report highlighting the predictable perils of...

Sawant Effort to Bypass Voters on Hotel Workers Initiative Fails

1. City council member Kshama Sawant tried to pass a last-minute motion at yesterday’s full council meeting to “release the clerk file” on the hotel workers’ union initiative I-124, an initiative...

Seattle Met | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Activists Seek More Public Input in Fed President Picks

Wall Street Journal - December 11, 2014, by Pedro Nicolaci da Costa - A group of left-leaning activists is taking aim at the process for selecting the presidents of the Federal...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Latinos Presentan La Mayor Tasa De Mortalidad Por Accidentes En Industria De La Construcción De Nueva York

Latinos Post – October 25, 2013 -

La población hispana e inmigrante que es empleada en el sector de la construcción del estado de Nueva York es el grupo étnico más vulnerable a...

300+ Arrested in Mass Civil Disobedience Protests at the Nation's Capitol

By Greenpeace

In the final day of a record-setting week of civil disobedience at the Capitol, more than 300 people were arrested Monday as they demanded democracy reforms.


OpEdNews | Organizing for Environmental Justice, Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

Zara Can't Seem to Stop Racially Discriminating Against Its Employees and Shoppers

Another day, another discriminatory incident at Zara. When the chain first came to the U.S., like many women, I was thrilled. I loved Zara's designer looks sold for a fraction of designer prices....

Yahoo Finance | Restoring a Fair Workweek


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago