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Policy for a new majority

The Huffington Post - July 15, 2013, by Brittny Saunders - Two weeks ago, the U.S. Senate approved historic federal immigration reform legislation in a 68-32 vote. Observers have linked the bill's...

[created] | Published by: Center for Popular Democracy

New Toolkit Puts Municipal ID Within Reach of Legislators Across Country

New Toolkit Puts Municipal ID Within Reach of Legislators Across Country

Today, Center for Popular Democracy is releasing a new guide to setting up municipal ID Building...

Center for Popular Democracy

Activist Ady Barkan says despite loss in Arizona, every seat is up for grabs

Activist Ady Barkan, who is fighting ALS, is starting a new fight - to get people to vote. He’s asking people to “Be A Hero” and vote for candidates who protect healthcare. Ady tells Ali Velshi...

MSNBC | Civic Engagement

A Terminally Ill Progressive Activist Confronted Jeff Flake About The Tax Bill On A Flight

A leading progressive activist with Lou Gehrig’s disease appealed to Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) to reconsider his support for the Republican tax bill during a flight to Phoenix on Thursday.


The Huffington Post | Civic Engagement

Urban Outfitters heeds call to end on-call shifts

WELL, THAT was fast!

Yesterday I wrote about an "on-call" scheduling practice at Urban Outfitters that's unbelievably abusive to its lowest-wage workers. Within...

Restoring a Fair Workweek
[created] | Published by: Idaho Post-Register

Fed Up group claims Fed behind loss of reservation

Fed Up group claims Fed behind loss of reservation

A group critical of Federal Reserve policy is crying foul after their reservations for an upcoming meeting of central bankers at the Jackson Lake Lodge were revoked.

The hotel is claiming a...

Idaho Post-Register | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Common Dreams, Op-Ed by Rachel Duetsch

How Can We Combat Wage Theft And Protect Immigrant Workers?

How Can We Combat Wage Theft And Protect Immigrant Workers?

Every year, millions of workers suffer from wage theft when employers or companies do not pay them what they are owed. Wage theft, which costs America’s low-wage workers an estimated $50 billion...

Common Dreams, Op-Ed by Rachel Duetsch | Combating Wage Theft

Advocates Rally to Eliminate ‘Sub-Minimum Wage'

Brooklyn Daily Eagle - October 23, 2014, by Matthew Taub - Hundreds of tipped and low-wage workers and advocates, including fast food, car wash and other low-wage workers, rallied...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Time for a Moratorium on Charter Schools

Al Jazeera America - April 14, 2015, by Amy Dean - Charter schools are everywhere. Not long ago, these publicly funded but privately run institutions were a relative rarity. Those that existed...

Sexual assault testimony in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing triggers trauma, reports

The political became personal for many this week, as Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony of sexual assault reopened old wounds for other victims — including two women who dramatically confronted a...

The Boston Globe | Civic Engagement


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago