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Fast-Food Labor Organizers Plan Actions for April 15

ABC News - March 31, 2015, Candice Choi - Fast-food labor organizers say they're expanding the scope of their campaign for $15 an hour and unionization, this time with a day of actions including...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Charter School Fraud Has Cost Pennsylvania at Least $30 Million

Daily Kos - October 2, 2014, by Laura Clawson - Pennsylvania's charter schools are rife with fraud and mismanagement, as anyone who reads local newspapers knows. But a new report from the Center...

First meeting of Trump’s voting commission makes clear that suppression is the goal

Vice President Mike Pence claimed during the first meeting on Wednesday of the White House’s Commission on Election Integrity that the group will go about its work with “no preconceived notions.”...

ThinkProgress | Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

Laws & Lives

New York Daily News - January 23, 2015, by Josie Duffy - We all want to see New York thrive, but weakening critical workplace safety laws like the Scaffold Safety Law would only...

Black Lives Matter Releases Policy Demands, Includes Reparations And Abolishing The Death Penalty

On Monday, more than 60 organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement released a series of policy demands, including free access to higher education, reparations, and an end to...

Civic Engagement

The elevator moment: when to speak up, when to stay quiet, and the power of both

One of the women who confronted Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake in a Capitol elevator Friday said she hopes other Republican senators listen to the stories of women who have been sexually assaulted.


CNN | Civic Engagement

Bill Would Offer State "Citizenship" to Immigrants in New York

Fox News Latino - June 16, 2014, by EFE - A group led by New York state Sen. Gustavo Rivera launched Monday a campaign that proposes awarding state "citizenship" to the estimated 2.7 million...

[created] | Published by: The New York Times

Why Texans Are Fighting Anti-Immigrant Legislation

Why Texans Are Fighting Anti-Immigrant Legislation

Austin, Tex. — I’m a member of the Austin City Council, and this month Texas State Troopers arrested me for refusing to leave Gov. Greg Abbott’s office during a protest against the anti-immigrant...

The New York Times
[created] | Published by: El Diario NY

Escuelas charter en Nueva York requieren mayor escrutinio

Escuelas charter en Nueva York requieren mayor escrutinio

Las escuelas independientes (charter) han proliferado en las últimas dos décadas con repetidas promesas de mejorar la calidad de la educación. Su ascenso ha sido tan rápido que hoy en día, el...

El Diario NY | Organizing for Education Justice

Por qué la ciudad de Nueva York es una ciudad santuario modelo

Tras meses esperanza de que Donald Trump daría marcha atrás respecto a sus promesas de campaña contra los inmigrantes, lo opuesto ha sucedido. En las primeras semanas después de asumir el mando,...

El Diario


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Take action with us. Click to sign our petition demanding President Biden end fossil fuel project expansion and declare a Climate Emergency today! https://t.co/jFVFAAZYpN

20 hours ago

Stay engaged for the long haul- now more than ever we need sustainable digital organizing and persistence.

20 hours ago