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As the country reeled from news that Donald Trump Jr. apparently tried to collude with Russia against former Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton, his father, President Donald Trump, announced a decision that will have ripple effects on the American economy for years to come.

WASHINGTON — As calls of “Trumpcare kills” and “health care is a human right” echoed through the halls of Capitol office buildings Monday, Lauren Klinkhamer stood quietly in Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake’s office and told staffers, “I don’t want to die.”

Capitol Police arrested 80 people protesting the Republican health care bill in Washington, DC, reports CNN.

Art Jackson was diagnosed with HIV in 1989 and given three years to live. Almost 30 years later, the social worker entered the offices of Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) — and began shouting that the Republicans’ Senate health care bill must be defeated.

Quarles would take the lead on rolling back any banking regulation under the Trump administration as vice chairman for supervision, a post created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act …

Most Americans have watched or heard Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech , delivered before the Lincoln Memorial in Washington in 1963. Few know his rousing call for racial equality was the culmination of an event called the March for Jobs and Freedom.

While the president goes on the attack, Democratic-controlled states and municipalities forge ahead.

Read the full article here.

From Applebee's to Uber, employers require workers to waive their rights to class-action lawsuits—but there's something cities can do to help them.

Consumers can now sue banks in class-action lawsuits. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Monday financial companies will no longer be allowed to force customers to use arbitration to settle group disputes, restricting the industry's favored legal tool after years of review.

Consumers can now sue banks in class-action lawsuits. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Monday financial companies will no longer be allowed to force customers to use arbitration to settle group disputes, restricting the industry's favored legal tool after years of review.
