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Advocates for undocumented immigrants gathered outside 3 Wells Fargo Center in uptown Charlotte Wednesday to demand the bank cut all ties with companies that profit from deportations.

Senate Republicans tried and failed three times to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Many Americans who were against the repeal spent time calling and writing to their senators, and even making it to Washington to protest the plans in person.

After months of grandstanding and cloak-and-dagger meetings by Republican leaders, we dealt a final blow to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Who are we?

Since election night 2016, the streets of the US have rung with resistance. People all over the country have woken up with the conviction that they must do something to fight inequality in all its forms. But many are wondering what it is they can do.

Over 100 protesters weathered a sudden downpour as they gathered outside JPMorgan Chase headquarters in Midtown Manhattan Wednesday to challenge the bank's investment and funding of private prisons and for-profit immigrant detention centers.

The Federal Reserve‘s looming attempt to shrink its mammoth portfolio of bonds comes with an ugly track record: Virtually every time the central bank has tried it in the past, recessions have followed.

The Federal Reserve‘s looming attempt to shrink its mammoth portfolio of bonds comes with an ugly track record: Virtually every time the central bank has tried it in the past, recessions have followed.

Nearly 150 progressive officials gathered in Austin last weekend to build the fight against GOP-controlled state legislatures.

Read the full article here.

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That fact that something needs to change in the way policing works in the United States isn’t debated.

Nearly everyone, regardless of political ideology, can agree that things aren’t working.
