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Bowing to pressure from immigration activists, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank recently vowed to halt financing for private prisons and immigration detention centers—a move that directly affects CoreCivic and its chief competitor, Boca Raton, Fla.-based GEO Group Inc.

Before and after the vote, Common Council President Thomas DePietro reminded council members that the resolution to be voted on would not institute rent control or rent stabilization in Hudson, but rather “encourage our state government to allow us to make the decision for ourselves in the future

Among the “hard-line liberal groups and unions” the article refers to in its headline and lead is the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities, a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations.

The Carried Interest Fairness Act is supported by the AFL-CIO, The Agenda Project, American Family Voices, American Federation of Government Employees, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, American Federation of Teachers, American Postal Workers Union, Americans for Financ

The Wall Street Tax Act is supported by a number of organizations, including the Action Center on Race and the Economy, AFL-CIO, American Family Voices, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Americans for Democratic Action (A

For the first time in decades, rent control is under serious consideration by lawmakers across the country.

“All of us in Butte County feel the effect of the Camp Fire. The disaster is an opportunity to rebuild in a positive direction, as done by cities in Local Progress, a network for progressive municipal officials.”

“My initial reaction was disbelief,” says Ana Maria Archila of the Center for Popular Democracy, a leading group in the anti-private prison movement. “There were so many points where we were like, let’s just stop, we’re getting nowhere. But the pressure worked.”

Las protestas fueron protagonizadas por miembros de organizaciones como el Center for Popular Democracy, Organize Florida, VAMOS4PR, Diáspora en Resistencia, entre otros.

La Junta de Supervisión Fiscal ya ha declarado que partes de la deuda de Puerto Rico son ilegales.
