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Minimum Hours for Maximum Impact: Creating Family-Sustaining Building Service Jobs in Today's Economy

As momentum for raising minimum wages builds across the country, minimum hours will complete the equation, stabilizing the incomes of the majority (60 percent) of working Americans who are paid by...

05/2/2016 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

A Hidden Crisis: Underemployment in Silicon Valley's Hourly Workforce

Silicon Valley is among the most prosperous regions in the United States. Yet one-third of workers in San Jose earn less in a year than the average annual rent for a one-bedroom home, and even more...

04/20/2016 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Wages And Hours: Why Workers in Emeryville’s Service Sector Need a Fair Workweek

Most Americans are paid by the hour, yet today’s workweek is changing—the 40-hour workweek and the 8-hour day are no longer the norm for a significant portion of the workforce. Labor standards have...

03/22/2016 | Center for Popular Democracy, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment & East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Data Brief: Retail Jobs Today

“Retail salesperson” is now the most common occupation in the country. One in ten workers – over 16 million people – are employed in retail, and the industry is projected to continue keeping pace...

01/18/2016 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

The Grind: Striving for Scheduling Fairness at Starbucks

A 2015 nationwide survey of Starbucks workers reveals that the company is not living up to its commitment to provide predictable, sustainable schedules to its workforce. Starbucks’ frontline...

09/23/2015 | Aditi Sen and Carrie Gleason | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Data Brief: Challenges Facing Albuquerque’s Modern Workforce

Bernalillo County, New Mexico has almost 472,000 hourly workers—nearly two-thirds of its total workforceb—who would benefit from updating workplace protections to match our modern workweek. Across...

06/22/2015 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Hour by Hour: Women in Today’s Workweek

Nationwide, more than 38 million women work in hourly jobs. Most women, and most Americans, are paid by the hour, yet today’s workweek is changing—the 40 hour workweek and the 8-hour day are no...

05/18/2015 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Hourly Work and Workers in Connecticut

Connecticut has almost 885,000 hourly workers—nearly 57 percent of Connecticut’s total workforcea—who would benefit from updating workplace protections to match our modern workweek. Across multiple...

04/27/2015 | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Wall Street, Main Street, and Martin Luther King Boulevard: Why African Americans Must Not Be Left Out of the Federal Reserve’s Full Employment Mandate

The story of the economic recovery varies dramatically depending on where it is being told. On Wall Street, big banks look stronger, bigger, and healthier than ever. Large companies are making record...

03/5/2015 | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up, Restoring a Fair Workweek


this just in...


We stand with the workers, from the students and staff protesting against militarism at their universities, to the organizers mobilizing at statehouses to fight for immigrant workers' rights. https://t.co/g1kzG0bqnE

3 days ago

As workers across the world take part in protests for ceasefire, worker protections and unionization, today is a reminder that without us there is nothing. ¡Nada de nosotros sin nosotros! #WorkersDay https://t.co/HwvaZ0DFaw

3 days ago