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[created] | Published by: The American Prospect

In $15's Wake, Fair Scheduling Gains Momentum

In $15's Wake, Fair Scheduling Gains Momentum

Worker movements have had tremendous success in blue cities and states in securing higher minimum wages and access to...

The American Prospect | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Dreamers exigen “Dream Act” y replican a Kelly: “no somos flojos”

En el marco de un día de acción nacional a favor del Dream Act, más de  500 activistas exigieron este miércoles que el...

La Opinión | Civic Engagement

Presentan plan para obtener la ciudanía estatal en NY El proyecto concedería a los indocumentados neoyorquinos gran parte de los derechos que otorga la ciudadanía federal

El Diario - June 16, 2014 by Juan Matossian - Nueva York - Ante la inoperancia del Congreso para aprobar una reforma...

Protesters confronted Sen. Flake on his Kavanaugh vote. Hours later, he asked for a delay

Moments after pivotal Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Arizona...

PBS NewsHour | Civic Engagement

'All hands on deck': protesters to target healthcare bill at rallies across US

Activist groups praised John McCain for his promise to vote no on the Lindsey Graham-Bill Cassidy healthcare bill on...

The Guardian | Civic Engagement

Using Scale and Reach to Battle Inequality

The Hill - November 19, 2013, by Ana Maria Archila - Across the country, it’s become increasingly...

Dying to Entertain Us: Celebrities Keep ODing on Opioids and No One Cares

Repeating the success of the Ryan White Act on the opioid front would require a massive advocacy movement in the coming...

The Village Voice | Civic Engagement

Kansas City Social Justice Group Says Too Many Are Left Behind in Today’s Economic Growth

Kansas City Star - March 5, 2015, by Diane Stafford - When Andrew Kling dug into an economic research project, he was...

Amid Heightened Tension, Advocates Push Cuomo to Veto Police Discipline Bill

A day after a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo in the chokehold death of Eric...

[created] | Published by: El Diario

Reporte revela robo de salario sistemático en NY


Reporte revela robo de salario sistemático en NY

NUEVA YORK —  Un estimado de 2.1 millones de neoyorquinos son víctimas de robo de salario al año, lo que implica una...

El Diario


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3 days ago

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3 days ago