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These Cities Aren’t Waiting for the Supreme Court to Decide Whether or Not to Gut Unions

In the face of the Janus case, local elected officials across the country are renewing our efforts to help workers...

The Nation
[created] | Published by: The New York Times

A Life Without Papers

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A Life Without Papers

New York Times - March 2, 2015, by Ehiracenia Vasquez - The birth certificates for my children, born here eight and...

The New York Times | Protecting Immigrant Communities
[created] | Published by: Wall Street Journal

Fed Pressed on Questions of Diversity

Fed Pressed on Questions of Diversity

The Federal Reserve faces criticism from lawmakers and others over its record on diversity at the same time the central...

One simple action the Fed refuses to take could make its policies a lot more powerful

There is an easy step officials at the Federal Reserve could take to improve their ability to fight the next recession...

This Is Exactly How HIV Activists Disrupted Congress to Save Health Care

Late last month, thousands of Americans with HIV/AIDS -- many of them among the millions of Americans who rely on...

thebody.com | Civic Engagement

Advocates Rally to Eliminate ‘Sub-Minimum Wage'

Brooklyn Daily Eagle - October 23, 2014, by Matthew Taub - Hundreds of tipped and low-wage workers and advocates...

Former Yellen Adviser Proposes Sweeping Reform of Fed System

A former aide to Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has broken ranks with his former employer and issued a blueprint...

[created] | Published by: Wall Street Journal

Transcript: WSJ Interview With Philadelphia Fed’s Patrick Harker

Transcript: WSJ Interview With Philadelphia Fed’s Patrick Harker

Patrick T. Harker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, sat down for an interview with The Wall...

Activists jolt the Fed's mountain getaway

The shocking appearance of activists at the usually quiet retreat is a sign of a growing battle over when and whether...

Press Release New Report Reveals Unscrupulous Employers Involved With Wage Theft in New York

Today, Center for Popular Democracy Action releases the first major report on New York wage theft since 2009. The...

Center for Popular Democracy


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Tomorrow,  Thursday 7/18, hop on the National Call with organizers from around the U.S. laying the groundwork to throw down for the popular democracy we all deserve. Join the call to learn more: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/TQnazu9vuc

17 hours ago

RT @Netroots_Nation: TONIGHT! CLOSING NIGHT MIXER! It's the weekend's final party! ***People Power Mixer!!*** 6-9PM ET Luckie's Tavern (10…

3 days ago