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Divest From Prisons, Invest in People-What Justice for Black Lives Really Looks Like

Stahly-Butts, a facilitator of the Cleveland convening and deputy director of racial justice at the Center for Popular...

10/11/2016 | Yes! | Justice Transformation

Behind the Business Attire, Many Bank Workers Earn Poverty Wages

The Committee for Better Banks (CBB), a Communications Workers of America (CWA)-affiliated community and labor...

Es tiempo que reconsideremos lo que significa la seguridad en nuestras comunidades

La extrema vigilancia policial y la criminalización masiva de nuestras comunidades de color es la crisis moral de...

Why are former Toys R Us workers planning to protest CalSTRS’ investments of private equity?

Supporting the workers are Rise Up Retail, the Center for Popular Democracy and the Organization United for Respect....

Sacramento Bee | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Richmond Fed Chief Pick Renews Debate on Shrouded Hiring Process

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s decision to hire Thomas Barkin as its next president has renewed questions over...

Seattle’s Lessons for Bernie Sanders Activists After the Elections

According to Licata, progressives must develop the ability to “see the small things that generate the big things,”...

In These Times
[created] | Published by: The Philidelphia Inquirer

Trump and Dimon: Is what's good for JPMorgan good for America?

Trump and Dimon: Is what's good for JPMorgan good for America?

Back in 2002, halfway between his retirement as the globe-trotting boss of Chase Manhattan Bank and his death in March...

The Philidelphia Inquirer | Civic Engagement

Three Labels Control 80% Of The U.S. Music Industry. What Responsibility Comes With That Power?

In recent months, the music media has responded to the political climate by zooming in on artist behavior: Have or...

Nationwide #DisneyLetHimGo Protests Call on Disney CEO to Leave Trump Council

NATIONWIDE - Today the Center for Popular Democracy and its affiliates including Organize Florida and ACCE, together...

[created] | Published by: MSNBC

GOP pours nearly $1M into Arizona special election

GOP pours nearly $1M into Arizona special election

Activist Ady Barkan and New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg discuss what’s been happening on the ground in...


this just in...


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