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Aboard flight, dad battling ALS pleads with Sen. Jeff Flake to vote no on tax bill

A 33-year-old father battling ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, was flying home last week after traveling to Washington, D.C., to protest the tax bill when he came face-to-face with one of...

USA Today | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: sfgate.com

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Jeff Flake loves decorum, but it doesn't look like it was decorous behavior that moved him to reconsider a vote that could change the country's future. Was it two women in an elevator, yelling at...

sfgate.com | Civic Engagement

Proposal Would Allow Immigrants in New York Illegally to Become Citizens

ABC 7 New York - June 16, 2014, by Dave Evans - It is a long shot, but a proposal by a New York State lawmaker would allow immigrants in the state illegally to become so-called "state citizens" if...

[created] | Published by: ourfuture.org

Our Fight for Health Care During Recess and Beyond

Our Fight for Health Care During Recess and Beyond

It’s time to ramp up our resistance to the Trump-Ryan agenda on health care. We scored our biggest legislative victory so far on March 24, when Speaker Paul Ryan called off his bid to repeal the...

ourfuture.org | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Facing South

Bringing Black Voices to the Immigration Reform Debate

Bringing Black Voices to the Immigration Reform Debate

A Haitian American who grew up in Miami's Little Haiti community, Francesca Menes remembers the global cries for "Democracy for Haiti" following the 1991 coup. Amidst the current threats to...

Facing South


With every passing day, the Fed is slowly but surely losing the game.

Only it is not just former (and in some cases current) Fed presidents admitting central banks are increasingly...

Info Wars | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Why the Federal Reserve is due for a radical reinvention

The Federal Reserve is a hot topic in the news these days. Usually, the stories revolve around the merits of its decisions: Was quantitative easing a good idea? Should it raise interest rates...

The Week | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: MarketWatch (republished in MSN.com)

With few other takers, the government has to sell its distressed mortgages to Wall Street

With few other takers, the government has to sell its distressed mortgages to Wall Street

Nearly a decade after the housing bubble burst, one grim legacy endures.

Far too many homeowners are still struggling to make mortgage payments, or have quit paying altogether. But one of...

MarketWatch (republished in MSN.com) | Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

“These Disasters Aren’t Natural Anymore”: A Dispatch from Puerto Rico After Maria

Several weeks ago, Puerto Rico avoided a direct hit from Hurricane Irma, which shifted north at the last minute. But Hurricane Maria hit head on, and has left a humanitarian crisis in its wake....

In These Times | Civic Engagement, Organizing for Environmental Justice

"Give Them Hell": Exposing the Corporate Backers of Anti-Immigrant Hate

Since election night 2016, the streets of the US have rung with resistance. People all over the country have woken up with the conviction that they must do something to fight inequality in all its...

Truth-Out | Civic Engagement


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago