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[created] | Published by: NotiCel

Sindicatos protestarán acuerdo de COFINA frente al Tribunal Federal

Sindicatos protestarán acuerdo de COFINA frente al Tribunal Federal

La manifestación convocada por Prosol-Utier, Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico y su Comité de Jubilados, Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoria de la Deuda, Coordinadora Sindical, VAMOS, Colectiva...

01/29/2019 | NotiCel | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: El Vocero

Organizaciones rechazan desvío de fondos para el muro

Organizaciones rechazan desvío de fondos para el muro

Este plan absurdo para quitarles fondos claves a puertorriqueños, tejanos, californianos y otros que les falta mucho para recuperarse de las tormentas, incendios y otros desastres que han sufrido...

01/29/2019 | El Vocero | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Democracy in Practice: How the Ford Foundation and Its BUILD Grantees Are Changing Philanthropy

Sarah Johnson, director of Local Progress, a project of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), gave an example of how this constituent responsiveness showed up in Local Progress’s work in...

01/29/2019 | Nonprofit Quarterly
[created] | Published by: el Nuevo Dia

Grupos comunitarios censuran plan para quitar fondos a Puerto Rico

Grupos comunitarios censuran plan para quitar fondos a Puerto Rico

Este plan absurdo para quitarle fondos claves a puertorriqueños, tejanos, californianos y otros que les falta mucho para recuperarse de las tormentas, incendios y otros desastres que han sufrido...

01/29/2019 | el Nuevo Dia | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: POLITICUS USA

Women’s March Brings ‘Medicare for All’ Lobbying to Washington

Women’s March Brings ‘Medicare for All’ Lobbying to Washington

Other progressive organizations that participated in the lobbying push Friday included Center for Popular Democracy, Healthcare Now, National Nurses United, and Physicians for a National Health...

01/29/2019 | POLITICUS USA | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Sin Comillas

El acuerdo de COFINA compromete el futuro de Puerto Rico

El acuerdo de COFINA compromete el futuro de Puerto Rico

“El informe fue presentado en una conferencia de prensa con la asistencia de representantes de LittleSis, Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoría de la Deuda, VAMOS, Center for Popular Democracy,...

01/29/2019 | Sin Comillas | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Hoping to Transform 'Momentum Into Policy', Thousands Expected to Flood Capitol Hill to Demand Medicare for All

The Women's March and the Center for Popular Democracy are among the organizations participating in the push, hoping to convince as many lawmakers as possible to co-sponsor Medicare for All bills...

01/29/2019 | Common Dreams | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: The Hill

Women's March plans 'Medicare for All' day of lobbying in DC

Women's March plans 'Medicare for All' day of lobbying in DC

Other progressive organizations that will participate in the lobbying push Friday include Center for Popular Democracy.


01/29/2019 | The Hill | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Metro PR

Informe advierte sobre plan de ajuste de Cofina

Informe advierte sobre plan de ajuste de Cofina

En rueda de prensa desde el Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas en San Juan, representantes de Little Sis, del Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoría de la Deuda, VAMOS, Center for Popular Democracy, entre...

01/29/2019 | Metro PR | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond
[created] | Published by: Latino Rebels

What One Puerto Rican Activist Told Judge About Debt Restructuring Case

What One Puerto Rican Activist Told Judge About Debt Restructuring Case

Thank you for the opportunity to present our concerns today. My name is Julio López Varona. I am Director of Dignity Campaigns at the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and the coordinator of the...

01/29/2019 | Latino Rebels | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago