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Ford Supporters Descend on Senate Offices of Grassley and Collins to Demand GOP #CancelKavanaugh

The Women's March, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Center for Popular Democracy all participated in the protest, where demonstrators chanted, "We believe Christine Ford! We believe Anita Hill!"...

Common Dreams | Civic Engagement

Amid Heightened Tension, Advocates Push Cuomo to Veto Police Discipline Bill

A day after a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, two of most...

[created] | Published by: Atlanta Magazine

Kenny Leon on directing the Avengers-studded Our Town reading

Kenny Leon on directing the Avengers-studded Our Town reading

The one-night-only reading, which will benefit hurricane relief in Puerto Rico, takes place Monday night at the Fox Theatre.


Atlanta Magazine | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: The Philidelphia Inquirer

JPMorgan boss: 'Trump is our pilot' even when we disagree

JPMorgan boss: 'Trump is our pilot' even when we disagree

Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and one of the few big-bank bosses to keep his job after the Great Recession, will keep advising President Trump even when...

The Philidelphia Inquirer | Civic Engagement

Juan González On De Blasio's NY: The Mayor Has Not Confronted The Affordable Housing Crisis

For nearly 30 years, Juan González used his column in the New York Daily News to expose massive corruption scandals and further the cause of social justice. He retired his column last year, but...


Labor Unions Will Be Smaller After Supreme Court Decision, but Maybe Not Weaker

With the Supreme Court striking down laws that require government workers to pay union fees, one thing is clear: Most public-sector unions in more than 20 states with such laws are going to get...

The New York Times | Forced Arbitration: A Corporate Attack on Workers’ Rights

Kamala Harris Fails to Explain Why She Didn’t Prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s Bank

FORMER CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY General Kamala Harris on Wednesday vaguely acknowledged The Intercept’s report about her declining to prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank for foreclosure violations...

The Intercept | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

The charter school movement needs greater accountability

A recent study published by the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools and the Center for Popular Democracy, entitled “...

Room for Debate: The Public Pension Problem

Bring Financial Managers in House

The New York Times - December 5, 2013, by Connie Razza - This past year, investment management fees on New York City...

Holding Wall Street Accountable

Lax Pa. Oversight of Charters Robs Taxpayers of $30M, Groups Say

Philadelphia Inquirer - October 1, 2014, by Martha Woodall - A new report from a trio of activist groups says Pennsylvania charter schools have defrauded taxpayers of more than $30 million because...


this just in...


RT @StandUpAK: Let your voice be heard! Join the #VOTE! movement and light up Alaska with your vote. #DOSomething #AlaskaVote https://t.co/

2 months ago

RT @blocbyblocMKE: Here is a piece from our Executive Director about counting every vote! An important read today! https://t.co/uRLilqD

2 months ago