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First meeting of Trump’s voting commission makes clear that suppression is the goal

Vice President Mike Pence claimed during the first meeting on Wednesday of the White House’s Commission on Election Integrity that the group will go about its work with “no preconceived notions.”...

ThinkProgress | Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy
[created] | Published by: The Charlotte Observer

Fed district that includes Charlotte announces new president

Fed district that includes Charlotte announces new president

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, which monitors large banks in a district that includes Charlotte, announced a new president on Monday.

Thomas Barkin, chief risk officer for consulting...

The Charlotte Observer | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Activists ‘Fed Up’ With Rate Rise Talk Offer Plosser a City Tour

Bloomberg News - November 15, 2014, by Jeff Kearns & Christopher Condon -Labor and community organizers meeting with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen challenged officials who are ready to...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

The Fed needs a revolution: Why America’s central bank is failing — and how we can make it work for us

One reality hanging over the presidential election and our politics in general is this: No matter what terrific plan a politician has for creating jobs and boosting wages, it must contend with the...

Salon | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Charter School Issues Discussed

WBGZ Radio - February 1, 2015, by Dave Dahl - Charter schools in Illinois are in the cross hairs of a new report alleging a lack of accountability leading to between $13 million and $27 million in...


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