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Advocates Rally to Eliminate ‘Sub-Minimum Wage'

Brooklyn Daily Eagle - October 23, 2014, by Matthew Taub - Hundreds of tipped and low-wage workers and advocates, including fast food, car wash and other low-wage workers, rallied...

Raising the Bar for Workers and Families

Ana María Archila: Low Wage Workers are Paving the Way to Democracy

GRITtv - February 18, 2014, by Laura Flanders - Bill de Blasio campaigned on ushering in a new era in New York City and actively pursued low-wage voters. Now that he is Mayor, what can the...

The issue Democrats need to address in the debate

In just two years, more than 13 million workers have received a raise, most notably in Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Massachusetts and just last month in New York, where wages for fast-food...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

Time for a Moratorium on Charter Schools

Al Jazeera America - April 14, 2015, by Amy Dean - Charter schools are everywhere. Not long ago, these publicly funded but privately run institutions were a relative rarity. Those that existed...

Poor Immigrants Get Free Legal Defense in New York City Program

NBC News - June 25, 2014, by Kat Aaron and Seth Freed Wessler - Leroy Samuels walked into the Varick Street immigration court in lower Manhattan, his wrists handcuffed and attached to a chain...

Wells Fargo: California Leader in Predatory Lending and Heartless Foreclosures

San Diego Free Press - March 13, 2012, by Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment - When it comes to foreclosing on Californians, it looks like Wells Fargo may take the prize. According...

Organizing for Housing Justice & A Home to Thrive

Statement on Dallas Fed Announcement

“At a time when the Federal Reserve is starved for new, more well-rounded thinking, it is troubling that its opaque, secretive process for selecting its leadership could only yield a candidate cut...

Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

"You can save my life - remember this conversation": Father with ALS confronts Senator Jeff Flake on flight from DC to Arizona over tax bill*

A terminally-ill father suffering Lou Gehrig's disease shared his personal story with Sen. Jeff Flake with the ambition to make an influence on his stance of the GOP tax reform bill.


Daily Mail | Civic Engagement

Jeff Flake Explains Why He Called for a Delay on the Kavanaugh Vote

As for Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher, the women who confronted him in the elevator, Flake said their intervention was “poignant,” but that he believed “some of their concern was how...

NY Mag | Civic Engagement

IDNYC: Fuente de Dignidad para Miles

El Diario - January 30, 2015, by Ana Maria Archila - Se puede palpar la emoción este mes en las comunidades inmigrantes pues los neoyorquinos, incluidos miles de inmigrantes indocumentados...


this just in...


We stand with the workers, from the students and staff protesting against militarism at their universities, to the organizers mobilizing at statehouses to fight for immigrant workers' rights. https://t.co/g1kzG0bqnE

2 days ago

As workers across the world take part in protests for ceasefire, worker protections and unionization, today is a reminder that without us there is nothing. ¡Nada de nosotros sin nosotros! #WorkersDay https://t.co/HwvaZ0DFaw

2 days ago