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Statement on Abercrombie & Fitch’s Ending of Just-in-time Scheduling

Following reports that Abercrombie and Fitch stores will no longer schedule employees for “on-call” shifts, an unnecessary scheduling practice that forces working people to put their lives on hold...

Restoring a Fair Workweek

White House: Obama won’t discuss interest rates with Yellen

President Obama met with Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen on Monday, but one of the most pressing topics for the central banker was not on the agenda.

Obama did not plan to discuss...

The Hill | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Presentan plan para obtener la ciudanía estatal en NY El proyecto concedería a los indocumentados neoyorquinos gran parte de los derechos que otorga la ciudadanía federal

El Diario - June 16, 2014 by Juan Matossian - Nueva York - Ante la inoperancia del Congreso para aprobar una reforma migratoria federal, legisladores neoyorquinos presentaron el lunes una...

Man with ALS confronts Flake on plane over tax bill vote

A progressive activist who identified himself as diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) confronted Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on an airplane this week over Flake's vote on the GOP tax-reform...

The Hill | Civic Engagement

Black Community Seeks the Power of the Ballot

For black communities in the United States, presidential election participation rates are strong and momentum is building.

In 2012, black voters showed up at the polls in the largest...

Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy

Fed officials tell activists rate hikes won't derail economy

An unusually large group of Federal Reserve policymakers appeared before activists on Thursday and defended their plans to raise interest rates to keep the U.S. economy from eventually overheating...

Reuters | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Tipirneni Gains Momentum In Last Week Of CD8 Special Elections, Outraises Lesko

The democrat gained her financial advantage mostly through small donors, but also recently received support from healthcare activist Ady Barkan, who launched a six-figure ad campaign supporting...

The Foothills Focus | Civic Engagement

La incertidumbre de los puertorriqueños de Nueva York que no han podido comunicarse con sus familiares en la isla

Por otro lado, el Center for Popular Democracy lanzó un fondo de emergencia para asistir a organizaciones que trabajan con comunidades de bajos ingresos, que son más vulnerables a los daños de...

Univision 41 | Civic Engagement, Organizing for Environmental Justice

Fed Chair Janet Yellen: Slowdown in job market likely ‘transitory’

Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet L. Yellen expressed hope Tuesday morning that the slowdown in the U.S. job market would prove temporary, but she emphasized that the central bank would be...

Washington Post | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up
[created] | Published by: Spectrum News - (TV) Capital Region

Protesting health care repeal

Protesting health care repeal

Senate Republicans tried and failed three times to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Many Americans who were against the repeal spent time calling and writing to their senators, and even making it...

Spectrum News - (TV) Capital Region | Civic Engagement


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Take action with us. Click to sign our petition demanding President Biden end fossil fuel project expansion and declare a Climate Emergency today! https://t.co/jFVFAAZYpN

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Stay engaged for the long haul- now more than ever we need sustainable digital organizing and persistence.

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