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Report: Hedge funds that ‘killed’ Toys ‘R’ Us ‘prey’ on Puerto Rico

Some of the hedge funds that are speculating on Puerto Rico debt also forced Toys R Us to shut down, according to a report released by Hedge Clippers, which advocates for income equality by...

Caribbean Business | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Good jobs for everyone

The Hill - 05-06-2015  -  The strain from Modesta...

Federal Reserve under growing pressure to reform system, goals

WASHINGTON, Aug 22 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve has two guiding goals when designing monetary policy: maximum employment and stable inflation.

But as the country's central bankers...

Reuters | Building a National Campaign for a Strong Economy: Fed Up

Drawing Undocumented Immigrants Out of The Shadows

USA Today - July 17, 2014, by Jake Grovum - With federal immigration bills stalled on Capitol Hill, many states are charging ahead on their own to open doors to unauthorized immigrants, from...

Hundreds of New Yorkers gather at MOMA PS1 to raise money for Puerto Rico

The movement to help hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico continues. Hundreds of New Yorkers attended a fundraiser at MOMA PS1 in Long Island City Wednesday night.

According to organizers, all the...

Pix 11 | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: The Long Island/Astoria Journal

Lawmaker calls for passage of construction worker bill

Lawmaker calls for passage of construction worker bill

In particular, a 2013 report by the Center for Popular Democracy concluded that 75 percent of construction workers who died on the job between 2003 and 2011 were U.S.-born Latinos or immigrants....

The Long Island/Astoria Journal | Civic Engagement

The Dyett Hunger Strikers’ Fight For Green Technology and a Better Bronzeville

After weeks of a hunger strike by 12 residents fighting for the predominately African-American Bronzeville’s Walter Dyett High School, two strikers were admitted to the hospital.


Organizing for Education Justice
[created] | Published by: Yes! Magazine

U.S. Cities Issue IDs to Protect Undocumented Immigrants

U.S. Cities Issue IDs to Protect Undocumented Immigrants

To help combat such unintended outcomes, the Center for Popular Democracy has consulted with policymakers and advocates—including those from Poughkeepsie—who seek to start municipal ID programs....

Yes! Magazine

Escuelas Chárter: Encuesta Cuestiona su Función y Pone la Lupa en sus Finanzas

Miami Diario - March 4, 2015 by Donatella Ungredda - Existe una preocupación creciente entre padres, representantes, maestros y contribuyentes a nivel regional y nacional con relación al...

New York City Increases Its Resistance to Federal Entreaties on Foreign-Born Detainees

The New York Times - December 5, 2013, by Kirk Semple - For years, New York City correction officials routinely provided federal immigration authorities with information about foreign-born...

Protecting Immigrant Communities


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Feel that? It’s the power of the people taking center stage. Popular Democracy is 50 grassroots orgs across 34 states + D.C. fighting to flip the script on the traditional politics that fails us. We’re the movement for a multiracial democracy where EVERYONE thrives—no exceptions. https://t.co/j9nxUJ1qdN

2 days ago

46 days till the election means we're... doing a candidate vibe check making plans for our ride to the polls double checking our registration and updating addresses requesting absentee ballots Plan your ballot at our ballotready link here: https://t.co/9on0fjRktA https://t.co/RIrvxBOPpl

8 days ago