Rights & Democracy

Rights & Democracy is a people’s organization in New Hampshire and Vermont building a political movement based on the values of our communities. Our members come from working and low-income families and our commit to building across Vermont and New Hampshire. We believe we can achieve a society where people earn a livable wage and have access to affordable health care, and where a progressive and equitable tax system supports an economy that protects the environment and human rights. We believe Vermont and New Hampshire can lead our country in a new direction towards happy, healthy, and just communities for everyone.

RAD fights to:

  • counter the influence of money in politics and confront the ways that racism, sexism and other forms of structural oppression divide our communities
  • invest in leaders in our communities
  • elect people who share our values to various levels of office  
  • hold elected officials accountable to upholding our rights and the democracy we live in.

We win this change through relationships and leadership development in our communities, and by taking collective action to advance issues that support our communities. We recruit and train community leaders to run for office who will support a progressive agenda for working people and for the climate.

We believe rights and democracy are won when people come together to make their voices heard. We’re building the strong people power movement necessary to win justice and improve the policies that affect us and our communities.

In The News:




VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z05EJbkcdIs#action=share

Contact Info

70 S. Winooski Avenue


Burlington, VT 05401
