Hoosier Action

Hoosier Action's mission is to create a means through which Hoosier families can have a say in the decisions that impact our lives. At Hoosier Action we build relationships and community with our neighbors to show that we are not alone, that others are struggling like we are, and that we all have the spark and light of humanity that earns us the right to dignity, freedom, and a functioning democracy. By coming together, we can build the political power necessary to not only ensure that all Hoosiers survive, but that we thrive.

Hoosier Action is a new project focused on building the political power of working families and individuals in the state of Indiana. Hoosier Action emphasizes robust community organizing, where campaigns are built around economic and social issues that impact people and communities across the region. Hoosier Action will work to increase voter participation, lift people out of poverty, and build a new political voice for the residents of Indiana who have been left on the margins.

Contact Info

1461 W Bloomfield Rd

Bloomington, IN 47403
