Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH)

Churches United for Fair Housing is a grassroots organization that works towards community empowerment through community organizing, youth engagement, and by providing sophisticated social services. CUFFH organizes towards preserving and creating vibrant communities that are not exclusive and are really affordable to working families in New York City.

Affordable Housing – CUFFH offers year-round affordable housing workshops where community members receive an introduction to our work and get training and assistance to navigate the affordable housing lottery application process.

Tenant Rights – CUFFH is at the forefront in the struggle to create and preserve affordable housing in our communities by educating tenants about their rights.

Immigration – The Trump administration has declared war on immigrant communities, with increased ICE raids across the country, including one in NYC a few blocks away from a CUFFH member church. As a result, our offices and member churches are now seeing an influx of terrified residents who fear their families being torn apart. CUFFH is working to coordinate and carry out immigrant-protecting advocacy efforts including legal services for immigrant families and emergency housing at several of our network churches.

Youth – Gaining Responsibility through Ownership and Willingness (GROW) is CUFFH’s youth organizing program. GROW meets weekly to offer professional development, community organizing training, facilitation skills, and recreational activities (including soccer and basketball) for youth ages 14 to 25. GROW takes place after school on Fridays at two locations in Bushwick and Williamsburg offering free sports and social justice themed arts programming. 

Rezoning – CUFFH leaders are also at the table to negotiate the best community benefit agreements between the community and developers when new developments are introduced in our neighborhoods.

Contact Info

7 Marcus Garvey Blvd

Brooklyn, NY 11206
