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Housing Poll

Across the country, communities are grappling with sky-high rent and mortgage prices. It’s time for our elected officials to make this their priority!

With Right to the City Action, we polled registered voters across 5 battleground states: Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina to understand how the crisis of housing affordability has impacted them and how it has influenced the kind of political leaders they want in office.

When asked what issues they hear elected officials talking about, the cost of rent and housing ranked dead last on a list of twelve issues ranging from abortion to immigration, voting rights, and crime.

But when asked what issue would improve their own situation if politicians prioritized it, the cost of rent and housing was a top priority for all voters. And for renters it was their number one priority. 








of swing state voters said that the cost of rent and housing is a major or big problem in their state


said housing costs are causing the most stress in their families, out of a list of economic issues


stated that they are more likely to vote for candidates that support rent stabilization policies


prioritize voting for candidates that back significant government funding for affordable rentals




Our poll revealed that battleground state voters overwhelmingly want to support politicians who lead with progressive housing solutions.

Voters want rent stabilization, permanently affordable housing, just-cause eviction, and more. The market-based solutions offered by developers and corporate landlords ring hollow with a majority of these voters. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait for our political leaders to get the memo. The Center for Popular Democracy Network has been organizing for these solutions for years and are fighting to make homes deeply and permanently affordable! Sign our Petition: