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Its About Time: The Transit Time Penalty and its Racial Implications
A well-funded and well-designed transit system helps increase access to opportunity across a region and connect residents to each other, jobs, education, grocery shopping, health care, and recreation...
System Failure: Louisiana's Broken Charter School Law
In the ten years since Hurricane Katrina, post-storm changes to the state’s charter school law have dramatically grown the number of charter schools in the state. Since 2005, charter school...
By The People: Promoting Democratic Participation Through Comprehensive Voter Registration
By The People: Promoting Democratic Participation Through Comprehensive Voter Registration
America suffers from disturbingly low voter registration and turnout rates. Almost 50 million eligible people were not even registered to vote in the 2012 election, and another 12 million had...
Building Momentum From The Ground Up: A Toolkit For Promoting Justice In Policing
The killing of Eric Garner, Mike Brown, John Crawford III, and Ezell Ford over just four weeks last summer, and the subsequent failure to hold any officers involved responsible, spurred a national...
Hourly Work and Workers in Connecticut
Connecticut has almost 885,000 hourly workers—nearly 57 percent of Connecticut’s total workforcea—who would benefit from updating workplace protections to match our modern workweek. Across multiple...
The Tip of the Iceberg: Charter School Vulnerabilities To Waste, Fraud, And Abuse
Escalating Fraud Warrants Immediate Federal and State Action to Protect Public Dollars and Prevent Financial Mismanagement
Big Banks and the Dismantling of the Middle Class
The finance industry now dominates the U.S. and global economy, generating one-third of total corporate profits in the United States. But rather than serving communities and reforming the practices...
Risking Public Money: California Charter School Fraud
In 1992, California became the second state in the nation to pass legislation authorizing the creation of charter schools. Since the law’s passage, which originally authorized 100 charter schools,...
Paying an Unfair Price: The Financial Penalty for LGBT Women in America
Women in America have made significant progress over the past 50 years—in the workplace, where women now comprise roughly half of all workers; in public office, where women have served as Speaker of...
Wall Street, Main Street, and Martin Luther King Boulevard: Why African Americans Must Not Be Left Out of the Federal Reserve’s Full Employment Mandate
The story of the economic recovery varies dramatically depending on where it is being told. On Wall Street, big banks look stronger, bigger, and healthier than ever. Large companies are making record...
2 months ago
2 months ago